➻4: Stake your claim

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"—Our mate is a king."

Her words lingered inside my head. A king. This could only mean one thing he must be the young ruthless king everyone speaks of. I involuntarily took a step back as Sungjae looked back at my fear-stricken face.

"It's okay Mia. I'll protect you." He whispered softly calming my nerves.

He doesn't know I wasn't scared of the man in front would hurt me. I was scared of the thought that I was destined for a man so heartless.

His eyes were still on me almost memorizing every part of myself and I tried not to think about him for thoughts were soon to explode and I didn't know what to feel.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I hear the Alpha speak.

His eyes finally moved to sungjae and I breathed in a breath it was almost too suffocating because of the way he stared at me with so much intensity.

"I plan to take your land." I shivered at his voice. Yet his eyes were on me again. Almost like his words meant something else. It was low and husky and I never felt so intimidated in my life yet my wolf howled softly at the sound.

"God he's perfect." She said.

I agreed but what he said made me disagree. What does he mean to take our land?

"Well, you can't this is our land. Our property." Sungjae said bravely.

I saw his fist curled as he fights the raging wolf within him.

"A deal."

"A deal?" Sungjae asked in wonder.

"I'm offering a deal in exchange for not capturing your land." He said with so much authority many whimpered at his power.

I was surprised at how well Sungjae is taking this all almost like he wasn't affected but I felt how his hold tightened around my wrist and I knew he too was felt how the Alpha King in front is too powerful for him.

"What is it?" My father blurted out. I saw the fear he held that the thought of the pack invaded was too much for him and I saw how he was willing to give anything for the safety of our pack.

"What is his name?" I asked my wolf. Who was too busy mesmerizing her mate.

"Taehyung." She said soft words so foreign. I heard how she sighed in content.

"Kim Taehyung."

The sound of his footsteps echoed hitting the marbled tile of the packhouse. He kept walking until he was only a meter away from us.

I secretly inhaled his lingering scent. I placed my feet on the ground trying to control my prying hands as I wanted to wrap them around his waist. I stared into his eyes. So black and almost lifeless.

There are a lot of stories to tell in one's eyes and I knew behind those dark lifeless eyes is a story worth telling and I would do anything to hear them and be there for him. Right now I felt his over-lapping power over everyone reminding us of where and who we are to him.

I felt nothing as I felt the surge of power his wolf emitted. Maybe it was because of the Alpha genes I have but as I saw Sungjae, our alpha trembling I knew it was something else, our mate bond. I was destined for a man who rules over all our kind and my wolf felt more powerful than ever.


Silence met the whole room. Hearing each other's ragged breaths at the words he omitted. It was just a word yet we all fell paralyzed and silent. His eyes were suddenly darker and I knew his wolf was aching to come out, he stared deep into me that I can not remove my eyes off him. Every passing second staring into those eyes I felt the bond tighter and tighter.

"But—" my father snapped out of it first.

"She is mine. Mine." Taehyung growled out.

I saw his fangs show as he suddenly looked for someone along with the pack. Every person he makes eye contact to whimper and back down. He stared at a little girl clutches into the side of her mother's leg and a teddy on her hand. She stared at the Alpha King in wonder as they stare at each other not knowing what the man in front of her was planning to do.

I knew exactly what he was planning. A lame bargain to abide by his plan. He took a step forward and before he continues I remove the hand that grasps my risk tightly and ran with all that I have in front of the child.

It was overwhelming to say. His scent suddenly wrapped around me like an embrace and I slowly getting the addiction his presence gives of to me. My head was just on his heaving chest as I held out my hand to stop him. I felt him inhale my scent and I heard his sigh of relief.

I slowly looked up and I hope I can picture that exact look right now. He was smirking and his eyes were back to brown as he stared at me.

We were so close to each other that I almost felt every exhale of breath he omits. Those strands of hair hitting his eyes almost made my hand ache as I wanted to brush it off of his face.

I felt my wolf stir at the sight and the presence as everything stopped at us. His hand was on my arm as I took a stumbling step back. The tingles at the touch made me release a breath at the feeling of his hand on my arm.

"Don't hurt her," I whispered softly afraid if I speak loud enough my voice would stutter.

"I won't." He took a step forward and I almost forgot who he was at how soft he said those words. I knew everyone was looking at us in wonder but all that matters is the man in front of me.

"No." We both turned to Sungjae.

Taehyung took a step towards sungjae. A devilish smirk appeared unto his lips. His pack warriors were simply watching their alpha negotiate while a man with striking blonde hair was trying to stop his laughter as he stared at Taehyung. I wanted to question who he was until I saw how he looked and the power he gave of us is the beta of the king.

"No?" Taehyung mocked.

"No," Sungjae repeated with much more conviction. Wondering what our alpha was trying to prove I knew the consequences if we do not follow but I cannot risk other people hurting because of me.

"And why is that?" Taehyung asked again still the smirk flashed his lips.

Sungjae stared at me as his eyes softened I felt he would say something that we may soon regret and my eyes widened as a realization hits me.

"She is the pack's Luna.

She is my Luna."


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