➻2: Duty over Love

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I was off to my own habit as I put the leftover Mac and cheese inside the microwave and got myself a drink from the fridge. Nothing was in it much rather than water and orange juice. Feeling a bit different today I let myself drink a whole glass of orange juice just as the microwave dings signaling my Mac and cheese is done.

Without wasting any more time I let myself finish my food before carrying my duffel bag that has nothing but a bottle of water. I did not bother to say goodbye to my sleeping father on the couch as I make my way outside. The sun was just rising and I and my wolf breathe in the scent of fresh grass and the morning sun that was just the right amount of warmth. I walked for more than a few minutes inside the forest as I check if anyone was around.

When no one was there I put my bag just right over the nearest tree remembering where I put my bag before checking one last time if someone was there. It was normal to see naked bodies as werewolves but I'm not taking any chance of someone staring at my naked body. I put my clothes inside the bag and looked right back to the silent forest.

I inhaled the scent of the forest and hear the tweeting of birds and rustling of leaves and soon I felt my brown orbs shift to yellow as my wolf surfaced and my grey wolf was on all paws and shaking her fur. I smile as I watch the happiness glint in her eyes and she hangs her tongue in a playful matter that had me laughing.

"You seem in a good mood today," I say to her as I watch her run around.

"I'm always in a good mood." She said in the mind link.

I never understood my wolf. When that happened everyone thought I would lose my mind and break apart but in all honesty, it only took three painful days before my wolf came back to her senses and was back to normal. It hurt both mentally and physically but at the same time it made us stronger and it feels like we weren't rejected at all. I don't know if it's because of the Beta genes my father has, or the Alpha genes my mom transferred to me but I feel stronger. Not because I'm a wolf just stronger for I made myself like this and mate or not I won't let love distract me from my duty.

When that happened me and my wolf got closer and the thought of her leaving me leaves me in misery, I can't imagine my life without my wolf.

I watch as she jumps over logs and steps on paddles and soon we were rolling in a huddle of leaves and her tongue was lopsidedly out and we were never happier than we were here together.

I went back to retrieve my stuff both me and my wolf satisfied in our little run awhile ago. I quickly changed back to my attire awhile before I venture back to the village. I skipped my house as I went to the packs training house where I spent almost all my time unless it was for Beta training.

My life was planned out as I have decided it. As the daughter of the Beta, I was expected to assume his role. As a woman, everyone feared for the possibility of me ruling with Sungjae but everyone saw how I stood up after the rejection and I can say I earned quite a lot of admiration from that.

I exhaled sharply as I punch again the third sack of hay I hung as it littered along with the floors of the training grounds. It was always like that. I would release too much power and would break the punching bag. I did not know honestly how I grew accustomed to this strength. It isn't just because I am a werewolf I was physically and mentally stronger than a lot of she-wolfs and that didn't bother me for a while.

I was disturbed from my thoughts as I whipped my head at the smell of a presence.

The alpha.

I bowed slightly before he slowly strides my heaving state. He was wearing jeans and a sleeveless tank top that showed his bulging muscles as his arms were crossed over his chest. He stops just a meter away from me as he stared at the scattered parts of the punching bag as a smirk walks into his lips and he raises a brow at me which I did the same.

"Damn, poor punching bag. What did the thing do to you." He replied humorously.

"Nothing in particular," I said as I grabbed the tip of the bag and cleaned up the mess I made. It was past lunchtime already and I decided I was done for the day.

I grabbed another stack of punching bags to put back to the hook in case someone would use the training grounds too. Completely forgetting the alpha's presence and my not so great height I raised my hand to the hook until I realized I couldn't reach it. I looked over the room and saw the small ladder I used awhile ago.

I almost wanted to slap myself as I forgot that I couldn't reach the ceiling with my height of 5'6' I wasn't that small but the ceiling was just too high.

Ready to drop my hand I froze as I felt warmth spread through my back and a hand on my shoulder as I watch an arm hold the sack and hooked it on the ceiling. It was Sungjae.

I turned back to meet with his chest as cliche as it sounds I suddenly fell paralyzed on the spot. We have no connection like mates but this was still too close for normal 'friends' his lips almost touched my forehead and without making it last longer I took a step back only to take my breath away as I was pulled back to his hard chest by his right hand.

I was slumped there unmoving and completely lost until I heard words that I was sure confused my beating heart and throbbing head.

"Be my Luna, Mia."


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