➻12: Life Line

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—May contain mature content—
- read at your own risk -

Laughter and the sound of our lips meeting each other resonated around the room. This has been going on for a while, both me and Taehyung sharing random moments with each other. It was bliss, a feeling I thought I had completely forgotten, almost as if a piece of a puzzle finally falling to its right place and all I can say was I never felt so comfortable in the arms of a stranger who just a few months ago dragged me against my will. I laughed internally at the things we had to go through to reach this point.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt Taehyung's lips on my forehead for the nth time today, my eyes fluttered as I looked up at him. A soft smile placed on my lips as I once again admired him. His face slowly moved down and my eyes shut themselves expecting his lips yet my body jolted as something soft and damp touch my ears.

"ah!-- Taehyung--" He slowly trailed kisses until he was at my neck. I didn't even realize I was panting when he looked up at me with hooded eyes.

"I want to..." he said while looking at my neck. My brows furrowed before I realized what he meant, I felt my cheeks flush and I lay frozen in his arms.

He moved back a bit, "I'm-- I'm sorry, I was going too fast. It's just my wolf he--"

Grabbing his flustered face I brought it to my face to plant a kiss, he looked over for a few seconds eyes blinking in wonder. I smiled again at how cute he looked-- like a puppy.

"It's okay. Do whatever pleases your heart." I whispered before planting a soft kiss again. I tried pulling back but his hand snaked around my neck deepening the kiss and his other hand wrapped around my torso. A moan instinctively escapes the gaps of my lips while he followed with a groan. I felt something building inside me I couldn't compress and soon I was intoxicated in the presence of Taehyung alone.

He rested his forehead on mine looking at each other's eyes, panting, and a glint on our lips. "You..." he kissed me again, "are..." and again, "everything..." and again, "I'll ever need."

My eyes glossed at his words of affection as his head went to my neck to plant soft kisses. I felt my heartstrings and butterflies play along the depths within me knowing the man in my arms is a man who was ready to accept my flaws. As tears fill my eyes I felt the tip of his canine touch my skin and I held my breath, clutching his shirt in the process.

As the stars twinkled peacefully and the moon shone through the curtains of the pitch-black room it had felt like I was waiting for an explosion among a set of a choir, yet it came as soft and as striking as one would expect. The feeling and anxiety all vanishing into one emotion.

"aaa-- mhmm~" I unto his shoulders as I suppressed the sound of pain from my throat. I felt it slowly sink into my skin and as it reaches its climax my body jolted forward, Taehyung's hands encircled around my waist holding me in place. As I slowly got used to the pain I then felt the connection that has been encircling my system.

His wolf, his magnificent wolf, he felt like he happily ran through an open field without worry. An endless boost of serotonin, a place void of sadness. This is what it feels like to connect with someone through heart and mind. I hugged Taehyung closer hoping he receives my silent plea.

Taehyung moved back a bit and held my face in his hands as he softly wiped my tears. He went back to plant a soft kiss on my neck as I moaned a bitch, the wound still fresh. "Your wolf is very sweet."  Taehyung laughed softly as he rested on my chest. I laughed too as I can see how our wolves were all cuddled up together into a ball licking each other's faces. What a sweet sight.

Taehyung went on top of me, arms on each side of my face as he stared down at me. I suddenly. felt conscious all of a sudden with the way he was looking so intently. "Stop. You give so little to yourself." He said as he kissed my ear. I had almost forgotten that now the bond has set he could feel my emotions. I looked away embarrassed at the way I acted. I gasped as I felt his lips touch my neck yet again. His hands slowly roamed around my body.

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