➻7: Play with Fire I

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The sun was rising again signaling a new day, yet the bags under my eyes told the opposite. I was seating at the window of my room watching the sunrise before me as the thoughts of last night replayed the nth time.

I turned sharply to the hallway with my head down causing me to bump into something hard and losing my feet to gravity. Waiting for my back to collide my eyes opened at the sensation growing at my back towards my face, my heart started beating faster, and I became more aware of my surroundings.

Taehyung caught me. His once dull orbs was laced with worry as he clutched on me tighter.

My eyes were wide as I stared at him. Our faces only inches away and the warmth his body emitted, sent thousands of butterflies and sparks across my whole body and I froze on the spot. It took us at least a whole minute to recover from the trance. Slowly I stood up straighter breaking his trance and his arm slowly left my waist and I hate to admit it but I felt empty the moment his warmth wasn't touching me.

I looked down at my feet not wanting to meet the alpha's eyes, it was in fact against the rules to look directly at someone you are superior to but sungjae was an exemption taking to consideration we were friends before he was my alpha, or use to be.

I was expecting him to move away and not mind me like what he has been doing the moment we reached this place, but his feet rooted on the same spot and I curiously looked up only to see him still looking at me intently, involuntarily my cheeks burned at the intensity of his stare. I wasn't sure if there was something going on with my face.

"I-I'm sor—"

"Have you eaten?" His deep raspy voice spoke after hours of silence and I must say I missed hearing it despite hearing him shout. I stared at him not grasping his question. Is he really talking to me right now? Why? Not wanting to anger him. I nodded slowly at his question.

I stared back down. Thoughts circled my mind and our proximity wasn't really helping me clear any of it. Maybe he was just curious because I looked malnourished—? No I looked perfectly healthy. Maybe it was just his curio—

"Rest. I'll meet you tomorrow." He cut me off again but now inside my head. Before I can ask why, he passed by me towards the other end of the hallway, that left me speechless and worried to what will happen the next day.

I shook my head. I don't know how many times that replayed inside my head. I admit that what he said scared me a bit but mostly I was curious as to why he wanted to meet me today. I sighed finally getting out from the window. I couldn't just coop around this god forsaken room, I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep without getting the answers to my questions. I took a bath waking me up as the cold water ran down my body. Combing my hair I stared at my reflection. Evident bags under my eyes stared back and I sighed as I looked like I was lost. In fact I was. I don't know where I am and despite knowing the reason and who, I was still mad at Taehyung, he can't possibly think I would forgive him after dragging me forcefully and threatening the safety of my pack— use to be.

I wanted to lash out my anger in front of him, curse at him, and go back to my pack because even though my wolf yearns his touch I yearn my pack, my dad. My fingers itched to punch and run like what I do every morning to train but I doubt the alpha would even allow me to go to the garden.

Putting on some sports bra, leggings and a hoodie I found inside the closet; I still had to look into I was ready to roam around the castle and getting lost, again. My stomach resonated a sound, right I need to feed the beast first.

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