➻11: Intoxicated

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I smiled softly as the sound of our sniffles resonated with the room. His thumb softly rubs on my arm as I comfortably settle on his lap.

"Your eyes..." I stared at them as my fingertips slowly brush his wet lashes. His eyes up close was actually a dark shade of brown. I start to wonder what it would look like with the sun.

"I— sorry." I chuckled softly as I was in my own little world touching his face without permission.

"Hmm, there's no need to be." He said so softly with fondness in his eyes and I would've melted right there and then until the door opened abruptly.

"Wahh~! Would you look at that! Do you see that—? Hyung!??" Jimin went inside acting like a teenage girl and a displeased Yoongi following behind, looking over at him with disgust.

"Sorry, we interrupted something..." Yoongi said grabbing Jimin by his arm and ready to leave.

My face flushed in embarrassment as I slowly stood up from Taehyung's lap.

"It's okay. What are you guys here for?" Taehyung said but I can't help but hear the underline distaste in his tone.

"I'll just go outside." I smiled at Taehyung as Yoongi and Jimin smiled at me saying goodbye.

I chuckled awkwardly remembering how embarrassing our positions were awhile ago. My mind wandered to the events just moments ago. It still surprised me at how the events have turned awhile ago. The alpha— I meant Taehyung, acted that way had me and my wolf broken. Though I must say he still looks good even cryi—

"aah--" I felt my head hit something hard just as I turn to the next hallway. I hand grabbed my arm before I get the chance to balance myself.

"Thank yo—" my eyes squinted as the man immediately let go. I couldn't see his face properly as he had a hood. My head raised to suspicions.

"Oh, there you are. Have you eaten?" Delilah appeared before me, fresh with the scent of newly baked pastry and her white floral apron.

"Oh, I haven't. I'll follow right behind you." I smiled softly at Delilah looking back at the figure before, only to find no one there. My heart skipped a bit but I dismissed it for the second time of the day. The growing anxiety is hidden behind the soft beating of my heart.

With nothing to do and the emotional release that happened a while back I decided to do my usual thing, train. I feel my muscles more restrained than ever and I need to take out this feeling in my heart somewhere and that is to train. I quietly left Delilah who was peacefully zoning off at the couch while I tried to help her sew handkerchiefs. I was greeted by the same smell of fresh grass and the light wind passing through the trees. 

Remembering the way to the training grounds I pass by the same kids playing the other day. Some wolves were also hanging out on their own. I noticed the different vibe they were giving me than the first time I went here. They gave me smiles, in which I returned, and I could distinctly hear the same words from most of them, "alpha", "mate". Something blossomed in my chest, a foreign feeling my introverted self never felt before, even in my own pack. I walked to the training ground, the same as ever fewer wolves in here since there's no training schedule at this hour. I find a punching bag near the racks where some wolves were doing pull-ups. Releasing the things that happened a while ago I find myself consciously punching the bag harder as time goes up. I find the way I use to train and soon visions of other wolf covered my eyes and I give out different sets. I was heaving by the time I felt my body covered in sweat and I hear a clap from the side.

"That was great! Who knew you were so good in fighting?" Jimin said with a smirk on his face.

I wiped my sweat off from my face while looking at him in wonder.

"Well, I got nothing to do back in my pack, plus I wanted to get stronger."

His eyes help sparkles as his handheld his chin. "Hmm... perfect for the alpha."

I turned red just hearing that and I turned around knowing exactly what he plans to do. 

"I mean the sight a while ago seemed to prove it..." He followed walking close by.

My cheeks and ears turned redder upon hearing him. 

"Too bad, you guys were getting to the good part right?", well yeah if only you-- wait...

"SHUT UP!" I said running back to the packhouse as red as a tomato, all the while hearing his laughter resonate at the back. I'll get him back one day.

I calmed myself for a moment as I felt a presence inside the house.

"Did you train?" Taehyung said the moment I step back. He was quietly eating what looks like to be freshly-baked muffins, I knew Delilah made. He still wore the same thing from the morning, so he must've been really busy. The weird poisoned wolves entered my mind and I internally gagged at the sight.

I quietly went to the fridge and answered Taehyung. I found a water bottle in which I easily chugged down, I felt his stare at my back but I did not give it to much thought, I was rather getting more conscious as the kitchen filled with silence, I faced Taehyung with a raise of my eyebrows only to see him beet red. 

"Taehyung? Are you okay? You're really red." I said hurriedly cupping his cheeks absentmindedly. He turned redder by my action and that made me back away but his hands stop me from doing so, keeping them on his cheeks. Now it was my turn to, turn red.

"I-- Uhm..." Taehyung was holding my hand tight all the while not meeting my gaze. He really looked... cute. The events earlier really changed what had happened to our bond in a flash. I chuckled a little at how he was having a hard time saying what he wanted to say. I firmly grabbed his cheeks and met his eyes.

"Yes." I don't know what came up to me, but I just felt like that was the right response at the moment. I watch how his dark orbs lightened up and his lips curved slowly.

"You will?" he said like a puppy about to get treats, my heart cooed at the sight.

"What was it? anyway?" I said slowly pulling my hands from his cheeks and sitting by his side.

He smirked and said, "I was supposed to ask if you could stay in my room tonight."

It took me a while to process what he said before my eyes widened and my cheeks flushed. 


"No refunds. You already said yes." He said with a proud smirk on his face. I covered myself with my hands in embarrassment. 

I felt him remove my hands from my face as he made me face him. "I promise I won't do anything bad."

"-- I mean, not TOO bad," he said and winked.

My eyes widened once more as I think of what I had put myself into. This was gonna be a long night.


okay uhmm... idk what to say but sorry. This update was soo short and sudden and I know you guys deserve double updates or at least a longer chapter, but let me be honest with y'all-- im currently in a writers block, and besides that, I just started school last month and I really need to focus now that I'm a senior. I really am sorry for the short update and the wait I have put you guys, I have no promises when and how long the next update will be but all i can give is the assurance that there will be the next update.

I post stuff in my accounts conversations btw so if you wanna know updates or want to ask me direct questions you can check them there :)) or if you have questions you can always leave a comment and ill try my best to answer them! thank you and again, im very sorry~

everyone~ stay safe and please put your masks and refrain from going outside! thank you!

read you soon~

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