➻6: Behind the Lies

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I woke up to the cold breeze that hits my face and my eyes settled to the open helicopter door. I immediately sat up straight to only find the people that use to be beside me were now outside talking. I saw Taehyung talking with three people along with his Beta.

Without a thought, I stepped out of the vehicle and I was greeted by the ice-cold weather and the snow surrounding the area. I gasp at the view. We were on top of a vast of mountains and I've never seen so much snow before. Though I was brought here out of my will I can say this is something I did not expect to like.

Everyone hushed their voices as they see me step out and as my eyes locked with the Alpha, it was the only thing warm around the ice-cold air.

I suppressed a gasp at the sight of the village and the people. We were currently inside a limo followed by other cars that came along Taehyung's pack. Everyone knew exactly who's inside and as we pass every store, people would bow diligently.

From children to fathers. They held warm smiles before going back to what they were doing before not showing any hint of fear. I on the other hand do not understand what that meant. Aren't they afraid of the Alpha? Because I sure have seen the 'wrath of an alpha' after all the man seating across from me is the scariest werewolf alive as of today.

I was greeted by a large wall of cement right after the village. As the silver doors opened slowly for us, slowly the vast view of the castle appeared. I have never seen anything as huge as this castle. It would probably cater to the whole village if it can. It was in a rusty white color maybe because of the years it stood yet it just added to its beauty. Vines stroll up the wall touching windows yet the lack of flowers caught my attention, but then again what would grow in such climate?

I stepped out of the car obediently and I felt the curious eyes and even glares from the people already. Though I know it isn't the pack itself because that would be the wolves living in the village but I felt the aura they tried to omit as I am an outsider. The removal of the pack link takes 24 hours if not more depending on how close you are to the pack. Now that I was soon to be Beta I was sure it'll take longer than that. I was thankful though. If the pack bond was to remove by now these wolves would have clawed me to death thinking I was a rogue.

I stared at a blonde woman who was staring so dreamily at Taehyung and something at the pit of my stomach just wanted to claw her face yet as her eyes traveled to mine it turned into a scowl.

I followed Taehyung again who on the other hand was too busy talking to his Beta who I still yet to know. We reached inside and different guides of ways leading to unknown hallways greeted me beside the huge staircase to the second floor. There is also a huge chandelier lighting up the whole place and finally warmth field the air.

I stopped looking around when I felt his stares. I always felt that. I knew exactly when and who is staring at me. He releases an aura of warmth that lets me know his presence and as I answer back with my eyes I was far more disappointed to see him break it off and leave me with the Beta. I watch him turn into a hallway I am not aware of where it leads before I finally catch eyes with the man who was patiently waiting, or rather observing me awhile ago.

"I'll lead you to your room." He said softly shocking me at my best.

The Beta was only a few inches taller than me I was quite small but I reached his chin. His blonde hair in which I knew was fake suited him and his skin almost matched the weather here. All I can hear is our shoes clicking the marbled floors. I don't know how many hallways we've turned to nor the way. My mind was preoccupied with what just happened and is happening.

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