When Drop Drips - The Feeling He Gave Me

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Chapter 4 - The Feeling He Gave Me

Izzy's POV:

I paced from one side of the room to the other, I couldn't stop thinking. He would have to feed off me eventually, could I even handle that? Well it hurt? Yes it will I have experienced it before and it nearly killed me!

I stopped pacing and lay flat on the hard wooden floor facing the ceiling, I breathed slowly in the nose out the mouth anything to distracted myself. I finally grew bored and got up and went towards one of the wooden doors, they where both on the left side of the room only about a metre apart. I walked up to the small wooden door and slowly turned to knob to discover a wardrobe with rows of clothing, shoes and everything!

Men and women clothes hung on the racks all around the room it was like a hallway with two long rows of racks and shelves going for what felt like miles. I was in awe, I did not expect this. I wish I had something like this instead of my crummy little wardrobe back home.

Home, I missed it so much Lexie my crazy best friend, my small crummy wardrobe, our shared bathroom and my bed. I missed it all. I sighed and walked out of the room closing the door behind me and resting my back against it. I slid down the door and sat against it on the floor, tears started to well in my eyes as I thought more and more about it and the fact that I would never be able to go home or see my friends and family ever again.

Tears started to fall from my eyes hitting my cheeks, I wiped them away with the heals of my hands and rose and walked to the second door. This one was double door though not as big as the exiting door, I turned the knob and walked in. It was a bathroom, one of the biggest bathrooms I have ever seen. On the left side of the room there where big counters with marble tops, a sink and a massive gold rimmed mirror. It then had the toilet at the end of the counters. On the right side of the room in the first corner was a massive white stone shower with gold handles and shower-head, and in the right hand corner sat a huge jacuzzi bathtub.

My month dropped in awe, this was the kind of thing you only saw on TV or at 'really' rich persons house. On the very back wall was a large fogged window that was pitch black, which meant it was now night time. How long have I been here? How long did I sleep for? My thoughts where interrupted with the sound of doors opening, I quickly ran out the bathroom closing the door behind me hoping it was Damon. To my dismay it wasn't, it was a girl who looked in her early twenties, she had light brown wavy hair that was pulled into a lose pony-tail, her eyes weren't incredible like the others just a hazel brown which made her face look younger then it should, she was wearing black pants and a simple white shirt.

She looked at me and smiled, revealing her teeth and to my surprise she didn't have fangs. She was human. "Oh hello there, my name is Rachael and I am here to assist you in any way necessary" she said and she had a very faint British accent. "Hi, I'm Izzy uh thank you I'm okay right now" I said quietly crossing my arms over my chest. "Are you sure? Because you look like you could use a new pair of clothes and a wash" she said gesturing to my clothes, I shrugged in response.

She sighed and walked over to the wardrobe disappearing inside. "What size are you dear?" She shouted from inside. "Umm, 10" I shouted back. She emerged several minutes later with an armful of clothing and placed them on the bed. She passed me a pair of dark denim jeans, a light blue tank top and a black cardigan. "Go into the bathroom have a wash and get changed, I will arrange so food for you" she stated giving me a once-over then departing. I stood there for a second then went to the bathroom.

When I came out of the bathroom, all clean and blood-free, a tray of food sat on the bed. There was a bowl of salad, a small plate of meat and a glass of water. Gosh are they putting me a diet or something jeez. I shrugged my shoulders and sat on the bed eating slowly, when I finished I started pacing the room again, my thoughts were still troubling and nothing would help I needed to get out of here or at least talk to Damon, something.

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