When Blood Drips - Blood Sire

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Chapter 2 - Blood Sire

Izzy's POV:

My eyes where closed but I was awake and I didn't want to open them, I felt terrible I had a pain in my neck and a throbbing in my head and the side of my face was dried with blood. I decided to open my eyes and when I did I realised I wasn't at home in my room, I was in large bedroom in a huge bed double the size of my own, paintings hung on the walls and there was 3 doors in the room, one was a very large double door another was a single wooden door and the third was a smaller wooden double door, statues stood in the corners of the room and big heavy drapes covered the two large windows that sat next to each side of the bed. Where am I? How did I get here? I sat up and started to think about last nights events, and then it all came back the man in the ally-way the guy who saved me, the dark room all of it came back.

I tossed the blankets off and ran to the big large double door guessing that it was the exit, I was right I flung the doors open and ran out into a hallway. I was at the end off the hallway and at the other end I saw a staircase that led downward, I ran for it as fast as I could passing several wooden doors as I went.

I was only a couple metres away from the staircase when a wooden door ahead of me opened and a tall, blonde man came out and I ran straight into him, bouncing off him and onto the floor.

The man turned around and I recognised him, well I recognised his eyes. Bright yellow almost glowing, I finally got a good look up close of what they looked like. They where yellow like the sun and where rimmed with black on the outside of the eye and the iris, it was incredible and I couldn't look away.

He grinned at me revealing his pure white teeth, and his fangs.

I shot up off the ground as soon as I saw them, my eyes wide my heart thumping. I backed up slowly preparing myself to run, to scream to do anything. But I couldn't I was froze solid I couldn't move and I couldn't look away from his eyes, which had gone darker all of a sudden.

He took a step towards me and everything in my body was telling me to run to get to safety away from this monster, but I couldn't. No matter how hard I told my brain to go I couldn't and I couldn't look away from his eyes those amazingly colour eyes.

He stood right in front of me and grabbed my hands in his gently, every part of me was screaming 'don't let him do that! Rip your hands away from him!' But I couldn't all I could do was stare. He bent down so we where at the same eye level and looked at me straight in the eyes and said "relax, breathe you are okay. I won't hurt you I promise" his voice was soothing and I believed him every word he said just like last time he said he wouldn't hurt me, I believed him.

I was still looking into his eyes and they changed colour again going really light again like they might glow, and I could move again. He was still holding my hands so I slowly pulled away and he accepted. I took a step back and processed what just happened, I looked up at his eyes again and then looked away.

"Hi" he said breaking my train of thought "I am Damon" he stretched his hand out for a hand shake and I accepted saying "Ah, yeah I remember I asked you that last night". He grinned and nodded his head. "Of cause yes, I just thought you may have forgotten you feel asleep right after and I never got the chance to ask what your name is" he said giving me a dazzling smile. "Oh right umm.. Sorry.. My name is Elizabeth but please call me Izzy" I replied and scratched the side of my neck and winced in pain forgetting the wound in my neck and it began to bleed again.

I fell to my knees holding the wound tightly, Damon crouched in front of me and peeled my hand away. I winced at the pain that was going threw me and squished my eyes shut and then opened then again and gasped at the sight of Damon's eyes, they had changed again to a light sapphire blue just like the man in the ally-ways where.

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