When Blood Drips - Answers

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Chapter 3 - Answers

Izzy's POV:

Once again I awoke in the same room as before though I had no more pain in my neck I still had a bad head ache that wouldn't budge no matter how much sleep I got, I groaned and rolled over pulling the blankets with me. "Oh your awake!" Shouted Damon from the end of the bed, I shot up instantly and ran a hand over my hair smoothing it out. "Umm.." I started getting out of the bed slowly "yeah I am I guess" Damon got up off the bed and walked over to me looking concerned "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked furrowing a brow at him "like what?" He asked shrugging his shoulders "like I might break if you lay a finger on me.. I'm fine" he let out a sigh and sat back down on the bed "good" he breathed.

I did feel fine, apart from my head ache but I wasn't light-headed or to weak to hold myself up. I stood there in silence as Damon stared at the ground, I didn't know what to do or say at that moment and just stood there shifting from one foot to the other.

"Ah" I started which made Damon shift his gaze to me " I just wanted to thank you for.... Umm.. Saving me from that guy, if it wasn't for you I would be dead" " it's okay. Really I couldn't just stand there and do nothing, and I'm glad your neck is healed and not causing you pain anymore" he replied with one of his dazzling smiles. I hesitantly raised a hand to my neck and felt nothing there it was completely healed not a single scratch, I gave him a small smile.

That was when I remembered what Justine had said last night, about the consequences of healing me. That Damon was, sired. To my blood. Also the fact that he healed my neck with some special ability and also stopped me from running away in the hallway, but how? I needed answers... But how was I gonna get them? I took a deep breath and went and sat next to him on the bed, he shifted his gazed to me and smiled. "What is it?" He asked furrowing his brows "you look upset or something" "ummm... I need to ask you something" I began.

"Yes?" He asked moving so he sat facing me "what are you? Exactly?" He sifted his gaze to the floor then back to me "I am a vampire Izzy" I went to say something but he put up his hand to silence me before I could make a sound "and I know you have many questions, and I will give you the answers to them but let me tell you the basics" he said placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded yes and shifted so I faced him "I'm ready when you are" I replied. He took his hand off my shoulder and ran it threw this hair.

"Okay, so I am a vampire and well obviously I feed off of blood to survive. No I do not burn in the sun, it is just... Very irritating. Every single vampire in the world has a different eye colour depending in there, age and personality."

"So that's why you all had amazing eye colours" I interrupted smiling in amazement and wonder, Damon gave me a dazzling smile. "You think my eyes are amazing?" He asked raising his eyebrows, I blushed at his words "just get on with the story" he chuckled and then continued "for example, Justine she has crimson red eyes that is because she is a very old vampire and her personality is dark and mysterious, your eyes darken with age but the red in them are from herself." I nod as he speaks soaking in every word.

"Diana, she has deep green eyes she has a very deep personality she is veery deep with people and is not afraid to speak her mind, she isn't as old as Justine but she isn't far behind. Bethany however is a very young vampire she has light pink eyes, she is veery bubbly and happy and also very shy and innocent, do you see how the eye thing works?" He asks, I nod quickly.

"Okay good I'll go on. Now me, I have bright yellow eyes I am a middle aged vampire not very young but not old at all, so my eyes are still quick bright. My personality well, I am very protective and have faith in people and this seems to be the colour that represents it. No two vampires will ever have the same coloured eyes it is impossible and has only ever happen once a many centuries ago."

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