When Blood Drips - Frustrated Fury

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Chapter 10 - Frustrated Fury.

*not edited sorry for mistakes*

Izzy's POV:

"Izzy?" A feminine voice with a British accent asked.

I groaned and rolled towards the voice, I opened one eye and shut it quickly. I slowly opened an eye again slowly adjusting to the sudden flash of light that filled the room. Once my eyes adjusted I sat up against the bed and rubbed my eyes.

Rachael sat at the end of my bed smiling at me. "Your awake. Finally. You've been out for hours, Damon thought you were dead" she chuckled.

I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms above my head. "How long was I asleep for?" I yawned.

"About.. 5-6 hours." She answered, rising from the bed. I looked at her shocked and she chuckled. "I think after... Everything you where exhausted." She answered.

"But I wasn't even that tired.." I thought out loud.

"Maybe you where mentally exhausted not psychically. I mean when I first came here I was so confused about everything and the stress was just crazy." She said.

"Mm maybe.. How long have you been here?... If you don't mind me asking?" I asked.

She walked back over to the bed and sat on the edge. "It's fine. I've been here for... Let's think." She said glancing around the room. "About.. 2 and a half years." She answered.

I gasped. "Wow! That is a long time! And I don't even know how long I've been here." I said.

"Yeah it doesn't feel like that long, but when you say it like that it kinda is." She chuckled.

"Rachael?" I asked quietly.

"Hm?" She said looking up at me.

I shifted on the bed to a more comfortable position, I had a feeling we might be here for a bit.

"How long have I been here?" I asked, looking at her right in the eyes.

She sighed and turned away. "Izzy.." She said quietly. "What? What is it?" I asked desperate for an answer.

"I can't tell you.." She said quietly fiddling with the bed covers.

"What? Why?" I asked.

Why won't they tell me? Why can't they tell me? What did they drug me when I first came here and have been knocked out for weeks? Or have I been here for a couple days? Why can't they just tell me?! I don't see any reason not to tell me.. Like really who am I going to tell? And who would believe me? Yeah I got kidnapped my vampires and they keep me hostage for feedings.. Who would believe me? And I'm not even a hostage.. I just can't exactly leave.

We sat there in silence for what felt like forever, but in reality was only about a minute. I never lifted my gaze from her even if she wouldn't look at me.

After more deafening silence Rachael rose from her sitting position and started towards the door. Still never lifting my gaze from her I followed her all the way to the door.

"I will go get you some food." She said and left without another word.

I sighed in defeat and slid back down into the bed.

There was so much going through my mind right now. Why did I have to be brought into this world? Why couldn't some other girl get attack.. Why me? And then my parent just had to die..

I can't help but feel responsible... In some strange way... I can't explain it, there's just a feeling I have deep down that I have something to do with it or... I don't know.

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