When Blood Drips - An Enemy Made

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Chapter 5 - An Enemy Made

Izzy's POV:

I lay on the bed staring at the white ceiling running my hand over my neck smiling at the memory. I still had a buzz from the bite even though it had been a couple hours ago.

After a little while I could feel the buzz fading away, I stopped my hand on my neck and just held it. I slowly sat up leaning against the bed head, taking slow deep breaths.

I heard a light knock on the door and straightened up on the bed head, the door opened slightly and Rachael poked her light brown head into the room looking me over with her eyes. She came into the room and walked over to me with a glass of water in her hand, she handed me the glass I accepted it and took a long drink from the glass. She sighed and took a seat on the edge of the bed, keeping her head low and eyes on her hands which where sitting in her lap.

"How are you feeling?" She asked breaking the awkward silence that was growing. "I've been better" I said my voice scratchy in my throat, I took another sip of the water and cleared my throat. "And... Um your neck?" She said gesturing to my neck which I was still holding. "Oh um.. It's fine, doesn't sting or anything like the last one I was kinda surprised" I said drinking the last if the water. "Yeah, that's Damon for ya" she said gesturing for the glass, I gave it to her and she stood up and turned towards the door.

"What? What do you mean that's Damon for ya?" I asked getting off the bed so I stood right behind her. "Well" she started, turning around. "He was being gentle with you." She stated bluntly. "Really? So that's why it doesn't hurt." I thought aloud. Rachael rolled her eyes with a sigh and turned on her heels towards the door.

"Wait!" I yelled grabbing her arm to stop her. "What?" She asked not turning. "Where is Damon?" I asked quietly, she let out long breath. "He's with Bethany and Justine" she said shaking her arm free and walking to the door.

She stopped with her hand on the door knob. "Please stay in here. It's not safe out there for you." She said then left the room, once again leaving me alone.

I am so sick of this room. Of being alone. Of not knowing anything. I hate this place and I have been here for.... Well I have no idea how long and no one will tell me! I can't even go home or contact my family to make sure there okay and tell them that I'm okay! I don't get it I agreed to stay here to help Damon and I can't do anything at all it's very frustrating.

I started pacing the room furiously thinking of what I am going to do next about this situation I just happen to get myself into. I can't just leave. Because then Damon will starve and his body will come after me in search for my blood. I can't exactly kill myself or anything cause then Damon will die and I can't handle that. What else can I do? Be turned into a vampire to break the blood sire, if I do I will be a vampire.

I will be honest right now, who doesn't want to be a vampire? We have all seen the movies, read the books we have all had those moments where if we had the chance we with no hesitation say 'yes turn me!' But now that it is a reality I don't know... It's just like a dream that I can't wake myself up from, an alternative universe that I have been sucked into and have no way of getting free. I just don't understand what to do. Be turned into a vampire or be a blood slave for Damon. Two hard decisions I must make.

I stopped pacing and threw my arms up in anger and stomped across the room to the big heavy wooden door that would lead me to the hallway. I stopped in front of the door anger boiling my blood and grabbed the door knob and opened the doors furiously, causing the doors to slam into the walls on either sides.

I stepped into the hallway looking left then right but no one was there. I walked down the hall towards the staircase Damon took me down to get healed. I stomped down the stairs and stopped at the bottom to look around and see what it looked like and where I would go next.

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