Kirara's Return

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"Well I didn't get any sleep last night," said Subaru as he, Kanata, and Mahiru continued their journey thru the forest.

"Speak for yourself," said Kanata "I got a lot more sleep without Yume's singing. I mean, she's a great friend and I miss her, but I do not miss her singing,"

"I didn't know she sung," said Mahiru as they entered the latest town.

"Every night," said Kanata "She also sung for a showcase once and there was another time she sung a song with Subaru,"

"Wow ... how did I miss that?"

"Hey, what's with the crowd over there?" Subaru asked. the two turned to where he was looking and saw a crowd by a cafe.

"This is a pretty small town," said Kanata "I don't know why anything important would happen here,"

Mahiru gasped. "Do you think someone died?"

"Well it would have had to be Scrooge cause they all seem pretty happy," said Subaru

They all walked over to get a closer look. "Excuse me," said Mahiru as she tapped on someone's shoulder "What's going on?"

"You don't know?" said the girl


"It's -"

"LOOK HERE SHE COMES!" The crowd started cheering and making way for a very popular and very familiar person.

"Oh, it's you!"



"Nice to see you three again," said Kirara, she looked at Mahiru "Who are you?"

"Kasumi Mahiru," Mahiru answered "And this is Hamilton,"

"Char! "

"Hello, charmed  I'm sure," Kirara smiled "I see Yume isn't with you anymore. Obviously she took my advice and is now setting on a journey of Independence,"

"Actually no," said Kanata "She had a family emergency,"

"Oh poo!" Kirara cried "That is so BAH!" she sighed "Well ...  why don't you join me for lunch? I just got some tea and could use some food to go with it," Kirara leaned in close "Between you and me the drinks they make at this cafe are amazing but their food is a total BLAH!"

"Sure, I guess," said Subaru "Why not,"


The four of them were seated at a booth in a restaurant and were clearly being watched by Kirara's fans. They tried ignore it.

"So what brings you to a town like this," Kanata asked

"What do you mean by 'like this'?" Kirara asked

"You know, small,"

"Oh, well, it's my home town I like to swing by now and then to say hello,"

"That's nice," said Mahiru

"I can see I'm not the only one with that idea," she went on "Yume seems to have also taken the idea,"

"It was a family emergency," said Subaru "She had to go,"

"And ... she's coming back?"

"Of course,"

Kirara huffed. "Yeah, typical,"

"What do you -"

"Here you are," said the waitress as she gave them all their food.

"Finally!" Kirara cried "Thank you so much!"

"Your welcome,"

"Let's dig in!"

Subaru was about to eat. "Are you going to eat your chocolate strawberry?" he turned his head and for a second he thought he saw Yume, but it was just Mahiru. "I just ... love chocolate," Mahiru shrugged

"Um ... no I'm not, you can have it," he replied



"Ah ... that was delicious," said Kirara "I love coming here, it makes the best food,"

"It does ..." Subaru got out of the booth then went over to the front desk. "Excuse me, can I have two chocolate chip cookies to go?"

"Sure thing," said the waitress

"He didn't seem that hungry before," said Kirara at the booth.

"He's probably getting it for Yume," said Kanata "She loves food and if this place is the best she would probably want to try it,"

"You know, I don't mean this to hurt you I still respect you," said Kirara "But I think Yume would get much faster without you two, no offence,"

"What do you mean by that?" Kanata asked

"Well I thing she's just too dependent on you, it's so BAH if she needs you to fight her battles," Suddenly Subaru slammed his fist onto the table. Everyone starred.

"You listen here," he said "Yume may not be on her own like she originally wanted, and she was determined to stay like that until we came to her. So instead of being on her own she sticks with us. But she is one of the strongest trainers I know, she never gives up even when things look hopeless. She also makes sure that we still believe when we think it's hopeless. Her heart is bigger then herself, and I know for a fact that I would be no where without her. Cause unlike you we believe in strength of numbers instead of power,"

Kirara just starred at him for a while, then stood up. "I think you made your point very clear to me. Good day," Kirara payed for her food up front then left.

"Let's ... let's go," said Mahiru


"I've ... never seen you like that before," said Kanata

"Well I couldn't just stand there," said Subaru

"No, no. Honestly I wish I had done the same," he admitted "You did good,"

"Heh, thanks,"

"Should we tell her when we see her again?" Mahiru asked


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