my first day in hyperdimension

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When I was asleep I had to think of a new name for myself since I was a girl now and Thriska didn't fit me.

However I was stuck trying to think of one the would fit in with the other characters.

But since I am a baka I couldn't think of a unique name so I went with aya.

Also this is probably a good time to describe how I look now that I can get a good look at myself in a mirror.

I have Nepgear colored smooth shoulder length hair.rainbow eyes (rapidly changing eye color) with slit irises (fox like eyes).I am as flat as blanc (and I shall be her best friend as well). I have a perfect figure for a woman.

Once I made myself presentable I left to see Histoire and find out how I got to this world when I found her she was talking to IF and compa about me.

"Ah I am happy to see you awake we have a lot to talk about.have you chosen a name to go by?" Histoire asked me.

"Yes. Aya." I answered.

"What a simple yet weird name to pick." IF said.

"Well no matter how much I tried to think of literally any other name aya would pop into my head." I responded to her.

"well miss aya aside from now being a girl did you feel anything else different so far?" Histoire asked me.

"Yes. But I can't describe it at all." I answered her question.

"Do you know how to fight?" IF asked me.

"No but I am a fast learner." Is my answer.

"Well were going to need your help to save the CPUs and gameindustry are you willing to help us?" Histoire asked with some hope in her voice.

"I would be more than willing to help all of you." I responded with more joy in my voice then marisa kirisame in patchouli's library when no one is around to stop her from 'Borrowing' all the books.

"Well then we need to get you a weapon so what do you think would fit you?" IF says and I practically cut her off with.

"Semi automatic rifle please!".

"Ok rifle it is then but why a rifle?" Histoire asked me.

"Well most of us here are melee fighters and we may need someone with a range weapon until we meet uni and she joins us four. Plus if I can fire a real gun like I can in games...well they won't stand a chance." Is my answer.

"uni?" They all ask me ignoring the comment about my controlled trigger finger.

"lastation's CPU candidate." I say.

"how do you know that?" Histoire asked me.

"In my world gameindustry is a game that I have played before and you are all characters." I answered.

"so you know the future?" IF askes me.

"Yes. Not like it will help us and if you don't know what I mean I know what happens. But once I change the future the events might play out differently so my information can be a one-time use." I responded confusing compa but Histoire under stands perfectly.

"Well all of my thoughts of you have changed now." IF said.

"Well you did think of me as Neptune but your wrong about that." I chime in.

"wait you know what I am thinking!" She responded scared 'do you have some sort of mind reading powers'.

"yup. Somehow and so do the readers IF. You have no privacy with me around." I answered breaking the fourth wall easier than Neptune.

"well the sooner we get to training the faster we can get to saving the world and the CPUs ok?" I say before anyone else says anything else.

"well let's go get you a weapon so we can start to train you to fight" compa spoke for the first time in this conversation.

"Yeah we need to evaluate your skills and equip you as well." IF says and we went to the basilacon armory and as we enter all I could think was 'AMERICA f**k yeah' from looking at all the ARs and shotguns ect.

"so what kind of rifle do you prefer to use?" IF asked me to know what to look for.

"a bolt action or semi auto iron sight one please." Is my answer soon enough I am equipped with a semi automatic 7.62×51mm NATO sniper rifle in a shooting range to test my skills on targets a around 150 meters away while using iron sights (Key words being iron sights aka no scope used).

"Ok now load the rifle if you-*click*-can...Well I can see your a natural at loading the gun let's see how you do aiming and shooting it.Three targets will pop up-*thud*-shoot-*bang!bang!bang!*-them all as quickly...and precisely as you can*gulp*wow three shots three dead on head shots remind me to never make you angry...ever never mind the fact that all that was at around 150 meters down range with no scope." IF said getting interrupted multiple times and getting scared as well mean while compa can't stop shaking and Histoire.exe has stopped working and has to restart.

"What? Am I that scary?" I say as Histoire.exe started to respond.

"Yes. I have never seen someone pick up a gun and shoot like that." She answers my question still a little shocked.

"Wow I knew I was good at first person shooters. But not that good." I mumbled.

"well if we have lead on how to save the CPUs and gameindustry we can start now Histoire." IF says fear still predominant in her voice.

"well if I remember correctly if we want to save the world,we need to go find all the mascots in the nations and get there help. I know planeptune's mascot is in a cave while lastation's mascot is in a resort of some kind as for lowee's mascot is with the Mina and leenbox's one is with Chika. But by that time she may be captured by Linda. Or as you all insult her by calling her underling. Which is not very nice or funny in my opinion." I give IF the baseline for the main quest line all the while Histoire records all of it to give to us it as mission objectives to steer us in the right direction. If we lose sight of the plot of the game were in not that she knew it but me and Neptune do.

"well if ge-ge is good to go we can start now Histoire." Compa says to which I responded with.

"me and Nep gear are too weak to start the main story quest we all need to be at least level 5. Cause when I look at the skills menu I see the defiance skill menu. It levels up as you use the corresponding weapon type" I say.

"You really are like nep. But you are serious most of the time unlike her. If your hard working and become a CPU or CPU candidate you could replace her. But you are right gear has been stuck in the gameindustry graveyard for three years and need to get stronger and you need combat experience to be able to save the CPUs and gameindustry. So lets get gear and go do some missions." IF says and we can all agree to that and to the fact that I am a better version of Neptune because all of you know she is pretty much useless outside of combat after all she is always playing games and never doing work.

"the day Neptune does work is the apocalypse for planeptune. " I say jokingly as we all share a good laugh.

"well let's start our adventure and have a taste of combat in the next chapter of this fanfiction." I blurt out for no reason.

"What? You are really like neptune." IF said amazed by how quickly I can go from serious to random.

"Damit author you were supposed to end the chapter at the end of my last sentence. I will forgive you for this one time since you are new to all this but past chapter five and you will have no excuses to help you." I say angry at the author for not ending the chapter there.

'Sorry me but I had to include IF's reaction to that in this chapter not the next ok?' The author says to me and promptly ends the chapter before IF can say anything.

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