public politics and preparation

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Waking up to a now familiar tickling feeling I see my new sister neptune and also IF-sama.

"See Nep it's the only way to wake her up." IF says to neptune.

"Wow she sleeps like a rock." Neptune responds.

"I'm up so what are we doing today?" I question them.

"Well aya we need to deal with the public backlash from that giant explosion you caused and start to get you used to doing paperwork as well since Nep won't do it. But you already know that." IF says as I get out of the bed.

"What's first then let me sort all the loot I found in the gameindustry graveyard then I deal with the paperwork and finally we will move onto dealing with the public backlash." I say as we leave the room we were currently in with pride in my planing skills because I know that soon I will be running planeptune and I will need those skills in the future.

As we arrive at the armory I start to dump all the guns I found in the gameindustry graveyard.

"First I found a hyperion shotgun with a torque barrel matching grip and stock. It is a purple rarity weapon and it packs a punch that was an unintended joke seeing as it has the cod ww2 pap camo. Next I found a pure vladof lyuda legendary full auto sniper rifle. After some more looting red found a scroll for Chakra control and the shadow clone technique oddly since it was only documented in the forbidden scroll the most guarded scroll in konoha but the author want me to know how to use it to steam roll paperwork and minor quests with ease. Next I found the parts and schematic for a grinder from borderlands the pre sequel so I will have to work with Nepgear to build it and finally a golden katana to further insult neptune some more." I say as I place each item as I speak about them.

"Aw man do you have to insult me little sis?" Neptune askes me.

"Yes I do big sister yes I do." I answer.

"Well you two should go to Histoire as you have to deal with all the paperwork now that the CPUS are back." IF says.

"Aw man paperwork already I just got back yesterday." Neptune says sadly.

"Let neptune rest and relax she needs it after all she was trapped in the gameindustry graveyard for three years and was stuck in wires the hole time." I respond.

"Thanks little sis but are you sure. That is going to be a lot of paperwork for you to do?" Neptune responds.

"I have to if I am to run this nation alone with Histoire after all I know how much you love to avoid any form of work after all." I answer.

"Well okay then aya lets go back to Histoire now" IF says

(Time skip because I don't want to write about me doing five hours of paperwork.)

"That was a lot of paperwork how long did that take us Histoire?" I ask.

"That was about five hours aya." Histoire responds.

"Five hours huh well I am definitely going to learn the shadow clone technique just speed that up." I say.

"Well that was all of the paperwork so there is nothing left to do we can relax now aya." Histoire informs me.

"Yay I finally get to set up my ps4 now." I say happily as I leave the office.

"Hey sis you done with the paperwork?" Neptune askes me.

"Yep I am now wait a sec while I set up my ps4." I answer.

"Ps4 what's that?" She questions.

"It's a game console from my world." I respond.

"Aw that's so nice of you. You got me a new console." Neptune says.

"Correction I got us a new console but let's see if it will work first ok." I correct.

"The hell this is my ps4 it has my two accounts on it. Well at least I can continue playing fortnite with my drift skin." I say weirded the f*ck out.

"Well lets start playing then so I can test your skills." Neptune says not giving a sh*t.

"Ok let's play cod ww2 zombies the final rich. First to go down loses deal." I say confident that I will win seeing as I almost beat the casual easter egg with one another person.

"Oh your on little sis deal." Neptune says with confidence that I  will soon crush.

(Time skip to two hours later (neptune only survived thirty minutes before she got trapped lol.))

"We beat the hardcore easter egg...I have never beat the casual one before I must have gotten better at gaming." I say dumbfounded at that fact cause I was only average before arriving in gameindustry.

"Wait you mean there was an easier easter egg?" Neptune askes me.

"Yes but It doesn't matter since the boss fight is the same. The boss just tanks more damage." I explain the lack of a difference between the two easter egg boss fights other than difficulty.

"Weren't we supposed to deal with the public after you nuked everything in the graveyard yesterday?" Neptune askes me.

"Oh sh*t your right we were well I should go to Histoire to figure out what to do." I panic.

"No need aya I already dealt with that while you and Histoire were doing paperwork. If you are wondering how I told everyone about you being a new CPU candidate while keeping your back story a mystery. By the way prepare for abnis she will be here in a few minutes." IF says popping into the conversation.

"Hey IF-sama was there a commotion that she caused six years back? One that left newborn baby's as orphans?" I ask so I can make myself a believable false back story.

"Yes actually here in planeptune as well she managed to get her viewers to attack fifty or so families most died from the wounds and there children left as orphans. Why are you asking?" IF askes me.

"Perfect." I respond simply.

Not a second later we hear a loud bang as abnis enters the room.

"What's this I hear about a little girl being forced to become a CPU candidate your despicableness knows no limits. Come with me aya I'll take to someone who will take care of you." She proclaims loudly.

"Yes. Take me away like you took my family away six years ago when your actions caused me pain and suffering. Yeh right like I would this is my new family and your not going to ruin it now." I respond as insultingly as I can.

"What are you talking about? They must have brainwashed you!" She stupidly blurts out.

"Bit*h don't you ever f*cking say that to my face or I will break every bone in your body slowly and painfully so that you feel the pain that you caused me form six hole years. NOW GET OUT YOU BIT*H!" I shout as I kick her the f*ck out of here.

"Wow sis you really are like blanc remind me never to piss you of." Neptune says as she whistles.

"I need to go to bed now to quell the rage built-up in me good night sis." I say as I leave before anyone can respond.

Entering my room I throw my self onto my bed and instantly fall asleep.

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