entry to hyperdimension

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One boring day I had a crazy dream were Histoire was lecturing me like she would Neptune but Neptune was in the background and surprisingly she was working for once in her CPU life but what catched my interest was when Histoire told me.

"the world's fate is in you're hands please be careful." It goes without saying that you should never put the fate of something in my hands.

But the worst part was when I should have awoken to my room I instead awoke up in the sh*thole known as the gameindustry graveyard and to the sound of fighting.

When my vision clears I can see seven girls in total four bound by giant cables and two fighting and one unconscious beside me.

I recognize the last one as Nep gear I also recognized the others but the four tied up are of no importance of the plot as of yet so no need to identify them.

The two fighting are IF and compa after seeing this I say.

"this is just like hyperdimension neptunia mk2." in a voice I know is not mine just loud enough for compa to hear me and say.

"iffy the strange girl with the rainbow eyes is awake." I responded with.

"girl who are you calling a girl?" But IF answers for compa.

"look now is not the time to talk." for some reason only now do I notice the giant robot they are fighting who I forgot the name of but I don't care about that because he might kill me here if we don't get out soon.

"can you help us out here?" IF askes me.

"how?" I counter-question.

"If you can fight help us if not help the CPUs out of those cables." she responded.

"I have no weapon to fight so I will try to help the CPUs." I say as I go to the CPUs but some monsters block my path.

"oh no Iffy she's in trouble and we can't help her what do we do." compa said worried about me but before IF can respond I started to dash swiftly past the mobs shouting.

"SPEED IS KEY!!!!" rivaling jacksepticeye's volume levels with ease I am Irish after all.

"I would question that but she got past the mobs no problem." IF said thinking 'I hope she's not like neptune' oh how wrong she was as I am like Neptune 2.0 as I do work when I need to.

When I reach the CPUs I try to free them but I can't one thing I do notice is my body feels way different then it used to feel and I was more flexible and I was stronger as well.

"They won't loosen at all. Why am I  always useless when I'm needed!?!" I question.

"What do you mean by that?" Compa asked healing IF who gave her thanks.

"I have always been weak and useless. And a loner to boot!" I answered her question with a hint of sadness in my voice it is still hard to believe that it's my voice.

"well if you cannot help the CPUs get back here asap!" IF tells me doing as I'm told to I sprint back to her not even winded.

"we have ge-ge but we have to run we cannot win this fight right now so let's go follow me miss!" Compa said giving them a good to go IF grabs Nep gear and runs with compa barely keeping up and me not even trying after a short run (by my standards).

We reach a portal simular to the one in tiny Tina's assault on dragon keep's main story line (the one leading to the handsome sorcerer).

"What are you waiting for go through!" IF says to me nodding my head I jump into the portal. On arrival on the other side of the portal I wait for compa and IF to come through the portal when enters and Histoire askes me.

"Who are you? And what we're you doing in the gameindustry graveyard? And how long were you there?" She says like a protective mother to her children.

"my name is or was if what compa said is correct Tristan Brian vasiu. And no idea how I appeared there or how long I was there." When I say that compa and IF come out of the portal with Nep gear.

"are you alright? are you hurt?" Compa asked worried about me.

"I would have no idea as I have grown numb to pain." I answered and this worried her as she asked me.

"Can I check you for wounds" She requests me.

"sure just don't use bandages I don't want to become a mummy" I say playfully and IF starts laughing like a mad woman at that reverence as compa checks me for wounds she gets scared for me when she find a slash wound I didn't notice before on my left side but then says something that worries me.

"apart from the slash wound that is luckily very shallow you're a perfectly fine young flat chested girl".

"g-g-girl?" I say fearfully.

"what's wrong with that?" IF,compa and Histoire ask in sinc.

"The last time I was awake. I was a boy! And that is not the end of the changes to me cause I feel different now" This shocked all of us even me the one who said it.

"WHAT?" IF shouted while Histoire says.

"What could have happened to you over in the gameindustry graveyard!?!" And compa confused asked.

"What do you mean miss?" Compa inquired

"My gender has been swaped. But for some reason I feel stronger" I said to her.

"where you that weak that a girl was stronger than you?" IF asked.

"Yes....yes I was that weak." I said around now Nep gear starts to stur.

"ugh what happened? And who is that girl?" She asked after Histoire told her what happened while she was trapped and who I was IF questioned me.

"How do we know you are lying to us about your gender?" To which I countered with.

"I spent fifteen years as a boy I could tell you all about....I if I could remember that far back. And before you think I have amnesia. I only have a hard time remembering things that are more than five years in the past ok?".

"Good we dislike amnesia." She said all this time the others were simply listening to us talk when Histoire noticed the time and said.

"Well as much as I would like to figure out how this all happened you all need to sleep now. You can all stay in the spare rooms for now. also Tristan you might want to change your name to a more  feminine one and learn to fight to. IF show her a spare room please?".

"Yes Histoire right this way please." she responded and walked out while I followed her thanking Histoire.

A self incert enters hyperdimensionWhere stories live. Discover now