operation sister rescue commencing

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While I am sleeping I feel a soft tickling feeling on the inside of my fox ears which makes me wake up giggling like a drunk school girl.

"Stop IF-sama I am awake now." I managed to say while still giggling.

"That worked! Well get up we are going to save the CPUs today so get ready aya we are saving Neptune." IF briefs me.

"Yay I'm going to meet my big yet small sister today." I say with pure happiness in my voice as we leave.

(Time skip to after all of the preparation for the mission)

"Are you all ready?" Histoire askes us all.

"Yes madame Histoire." I shout bursting with energy.

"Good now go save the CPUs!" She responded.

As she says that she opens another portal like the one in chapter 1.

"LET'S GO RESCUE OUR SISTERS!" I shout as I dive into the portal.

Hopping out the other side of the portal I land in a roll with my unkempt Harold at the ready and finally realizing that all legendary weapons have a prefix I identify the prefix as a double penetrating prefix.

Hopping out the other side of the portal I land in a roll with my unkempt Harold at the ready and finally realizing that all legendary weapons have a prefix I identify the prefix as a double penetrating prefix

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As the others exit the portal after me we start to move forward.

(Time skip after what felt like a hour but was really just ten minutes.)

"Finally we found the CPUs lets get them and go." I say board with the lack of combat.

"Enemies incoming from the south." Uni says looking to the south I see about 50 dogoos 100 surveyor drones from borderlands 2 and 10 badass loaders.

"Yes let's have some fun you all take the dogoos I'll take the hyperion robots." I shout drawing there agro to me as I transform to my hdd mode.

Pulling the trigger on my dpuh (double penetrating unkempt Harold) five times I am able to destroy the loaders because they are terrible but the real trouble comes with dealing with the surveyors.

"Now to deal with the surveyors welp it's sniping time." I say as I swap to my semi automatic sniper rifle and start to pick them out of the sky with ease by the time I destroy half of the surveyors before I run out of ammo.

Looking around for another gun or more ammo I see a sight to behold a nukem torgue's best rocket launcher.

 Taking aim to make sure that I don't kill myself with the blast I destroy all the remaining surveyors and dogoos and shocking all of my allies

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Taking aim to make sure that I don't kill myself with the blast I destroy all the remaining surveyors and dogoos and shocking all of my allies.

"Bloody hell what the fuck was that?!?" IF askes me still shocked.

"That was the power of the nukem IF-sama." I answer.

"You know what you go looking for more things like that we will get the CPUs back to planeptune's basilicom come back when you are ready to meet Neptune." She says giving me free roam over the gameindustry graveyard to loot and with my luck you know I'll get some good weapons.

"Loot here I come I hope I can get a hyperion shotgun." I respond.

"Fine just tell me what you find later on today." IF says as she and the others go to bring the CPUs back to planeptune's basilicom all but one.

"I'm not leaving a wify alone here so you go I'll stay." Says a certain lesbian girl (aka red).

"Sure follow me cause it's time to loot." I respond.

(Time skip to when we arrive at the basilicom and coincidentally when the CPUs wake up also there will be flash backs to some events that I skipped later on.)

"We're back!" I shout as I exit the portal.

"Ah perfect timing the CPUs have just woke up and have been informed that there's a new CPU candidate so follow me aya and prepare to meet you eldest sister." Histoire says motioning me to follow her.

As we enter the basilicom medical wing I see the four CPUs chatting with one another.

"Well lady's the new CPU candidate has arrived go ahead and meet your new sister aya." Histoire introduces me to the four.

"Hello Neptune,noire,vert and blanc I'm aya and your probably wondering which one of you is my new sister so I will let you have one guess." I say.

"Well obviously your my sister since I don't have a sister." Vert boasts proudly.

"Nope I Neptune's sister sorry vert life is cruel like that." I cut her off which makes her sad.

"Your my little sis yay we will have so much fun and what kind of name is aya?" Neptune askes me.

"The kind of name that an over powered former male idiot would pick for her self that kind." I respond.

"Wait former male what do you mean by that?" Noire askes me.

(Time skip to after I explain everything to them.)

"Wow thats amazing aya." Noire says stunned at how quickly I turned this hole battle in about a week.

"Yup also neptune your no longer the main character I am" I respond.

"Aw man well do you at least break the fourth wall?" Neptune askes me

"Break the fourth wall? neptune you are always referencing things in my world of course I'd break the fourth wall I all ready crossed over it to get here." Is my answer.

"Oh God no not another neptune." Blanc says.

"Hey I'm not neptune I use guns and I get shit fucking done blanc I am not lazy and so carefree that I don't give a fuck about anything other than games like neptune ok!" I rant when blanc calls me another neptune.

"Oh it seems like she is like everyone but me." Vert says sadly.

"Nope I was a gamer like you vert but I mainly played on console like the ps2,ps3,and ps4 my worlds version of the lastation series of consoles." I respond.

"Hey what weapon do you use?" Neptune suddenly askes me.

"I have a shit tonne of guns and a replica of blanc's hammer. Why do you want to know?" I ask her.

"Oh I wanted to train you with a katana." She answers sadly.

"You train me! You don't even know how to fight properly. Plus I want to learn to use a rapier not a katana. So noire would you be willing to train me please?" I say as I put on the cutest face aka the dreaded puppy dog eyes.

"Sure. It would be worth it seeing as how you were the main factor in our rescue." Noire says with a huge blush on here face.

"Well I need a nap and I am to lazy to go to my room to sleep so I am going to pass out right on this bed here." I say as I fall onto the bed out cold.

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