combat and loot

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"Miss aya did you really have to do that?" Compa askes me.

"Of course if I did I am Neptune 2.0 after all by the way I looked at the skill tree and I see the laser gravity slam skill as a perk I can get very soon." I answered breaking the fourth wall again while wearing a smile that would put Neptune's to shame.

"Ok What is this laser gravity slam thing you are talking about?" IF askes me extremely interested.

"well laser gravity slam or butt slam as most if not all people call it is a slam attack that fires flaming laser bolts in a cone in the direction you are facing." I describe a butt slam to her holding of my amusement at the words butt slam.

"Well I will admit that is badass."IF responded amazed at the concept.

"well lets go get ge-ge and go to the guild. The sooner the better." Compa says and conveniently said girl enters the room.

"morning iffy and compa and Histoire. Hello miss my name is Nep gear what is your name? And sorry for not introducing myself yesterday" She askes me.

"my name is aya and it's alright we were all tired yesterday." I answer like it was my name my entire life and apologizing like I always do.

"aya if I didn't know any better I would have been tricked into believing that you were a girl your entire life." IF tells me while confusing Nepgear.

"well ge ge you ready to go now?"IF askes Nepgear after filling her in on my gender swap condition.

"Yes IF let's go."Nepgear answers.


Once we set me up with a guild account we found an easy quest.

"Ok this quest is very easy it is to clear a lastation field of dogoos so even you can do it especially because you are using a sniper rifle." IF briefs me for the quest.

"IF never call something easy cause it will slap you across the face if you do." when we arrive at the field we see around 50-100 dogoos.

"see IF that's is what happens when you call something very easy" I ask not scared because I know how agro works and I know that right now there harmless but not for long and only now do I notice Histoire is with us for some reason I don't know but neither am I curious about it.

"well lets set up a plan." I say as I go to line up a collateral shot hoping that it will work. As I slowly squeeze the trigger I fire one shot that some how kills all the dogoos when the bullet stops all of the dogoos are merely pixels and loot is covering the floor.

"holy shit did you do line that up on purpose." Histoire askes me while I am completely speechless with happiness and awe at the masive amounts of loot and money on the ground that I caused and I loved it.

as I looked at all the loot I see one of my favorite sights in borderland games.A orange hue and item pillar.

Rushing to the legendary item I see it is not one item but two the first item is a new outfit I had been wearing a version of Nepgears outfit in my size.(this was a skin.)The second item is a CPU memory I was confused about it but I didn't want to try it right now.

While I was looking around I noticed a orange pistol.The unkempt Harold (why this one well it's op when the enemy you are shooting at is in between a certain set distances). Running up to it I grab it cause I need a second gun.

"IF if this works like in the game these fools don't stand a chance at living for more than one second." I say knowing the power of a unkempt Harold.

"What's that you got there aya?" Nepgear askes me.

"Just a legendary torgue pistol." I respond choosing to test it later like the CPU memory.

"Let's go hand in the quest we will test the legendary items at the basilacon later." I say suggesting a logical and safe idea.

Just as we were about to leave the area some one calls out us (mainly me).

"Hey you the one with the gun get over here." Shouted our favorite mini thundere uni.

"Well this changes a lot of things." I say as we walk over to her.

"Who are you and where did you learn to shoot like that?" She askes me.

"My name is aya and that was all luck not skill." I answer truthfully.

"Ok that is bull shit that cannot be luck so we're did you learn to shoot like that?" She askes me again not believing me.

"No its true today was the first time she has ever shot a gun." IF stands up for me.

"Look I know you have stuff to do uni so let us go back to planeptune's basilacon. We will be back any way." I say trying to get us out of her right now.

"Fine go it's not like I cared any way." She says like her sister would to Neptune.

"Tsundere!!" I shout at her as we walk away.

"Really did you have to say that?" IF askes me.

"Of course I mean I am not wrong you know she is a Tsundere after all. Now I see why Neptune teases noire so much." I answer truthfully.


When we arrive back at the basilacon we check planeptune's share condition but I notice that the CPU memory has started to glow like a dim light.

"What is with the CPU memory?" I ask as it starts to get brighter and I am answered by the memory merging with me and being surrounded by a pillar of light.

"Ok what is with aya and all these surprises seriously how many does she have up her sleeves?" IF askes nobody going pisty.

"Well we now have two CPU candidates so this will be a lot easier from now onward." Histoire says being optimistic about all that has happened today.

When the pillar disappears it reveals me in a purple skinsuit (simular to nepgears). Waist length purple silky-smooth hair. Enlarged rainbow colored eyes with power symbol puples. Oh and I am still flat like blanc.

"How overpowered am I going to become today?" I say really wanting to still have a challenge in combat.

"Oh my goodness aya you look like me. Are you okay from what I have learned from my research the CPU memory's initial transformation is very tiring." Nepgear askes me worried for me.

"I am all right but you are right about it being very tiring. I feel like I am underwater right now." I answer very VERY tried as if I am in zero point seven five percent speed.

"Well how do I go back to being human again?" I ask wanting to go to sleep.

"Well you just have to will the transformation from what Nep Nep told us." Compa surprisingly answers.

"Well I am going to sleep now as I need it good night." I respond after deactivating hdd.

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