the heart attacks are coming

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Waking up the next day in my room I realized that I need to have a wash or I will start to smell but I am so small that it's dangerous to do it alone so I ask the others for help and Nepgear was willing to help me.(I am not going to write any shower scenes ever hopefully).

"Thank you for the help Nepgear." I say.

"Oh goodness you don't need to thank me for helping you." She answers.

"Well we need to meet up with the others but is it possible for us to do somethings first?" I ask putting on a innocent smile.

"Oh sure but it depends on what it is?" Nepgear answers.

"Just some quests" I say.

"Well I would say no but we do need the shares so yes let's go do some quests." Nepgear answers and we go.

(Time skip past all the quests. All we did was all of the quests because it would help and that is just me. It had taken two hours of our time to do.).

As we return we see an angry IF and Histoire waiting for us.

"What the hell took you so bloody long to get here?" An angry IF askes us.

"Oh just doing all the quests in the guild we did like thirty to fifty quests in about two hours." Was my casual reply to IF.

"Well at least you weren't wasting time like Neptune but really all the quests. Why?" Histoire askes me.

"Well I have two reasons. Reason one the more shares we have the stronger me and Nepgear become. And reason two well why not? After all I now have a good amount of money and materials for any projects I want to do." I answer breathing heavily from talking so fast.

"That was a mouthful but it's true" IF says seeing the logic in my answer.

"Well I hate lying so I mostly say the truth IF-sama." I respond in kind.

"Well you must be of for lastation now to get there mascot and convince uni to join your fight." Histoire says motioning us to go on our way.

As we arrive at lastation (I was asleep the entire time) we set of to find uni and get her to join us because I am and I quote 'so cute noire couldn't say no' cause the author says so it is so.

"So where do we meet uni in the game aya." IF askes me to locate the next objective.

"Well if we are sinced with the games time she should be in the guild when we arrive there IF-sama." I say as cute as peashy but as serious as noire.

"Ok What is this sama thing your talking about now?" IF askes me getting really annoyed with all the things that I am saying.

"I am pretty sure that the sama suffix is for you betters or superiors as a sign of respect IF-sama." I answer.

"How am I better than you your a CPU or CPU candidate still not sure which one you are but still your better than me." IF says.

"All of the things that I have done were all luck not skill even the thing with Lydia was luck IF-sama." I say as we enter the guild.

"Well lets go do all the quests while we are here cause why not." IF says.

"We will go get all the quests you find rebeat resort's location IF-sama." I say as me and Nepgear go get the quests.

"Um hello were/I'm here to take all/some of the quests please." Me Nepgear and uni ask at the same time with me saying 'were here to take all the quests'.

"Wait you two little girls are taking all the quests you probably can't do one." Uni insults me and Nepgear.

"Want to put your money where your mouth is." I snap back at her.

"What the hell are you saying I'm not putting money in my mouth." Uni says not knowing what it means.

"It means ya wanna bet on it." I say the meaning of the saying.

"Well if thats what it means then yes let's bet on about if you do ten quests before I do one you win ok." Uni says with an aura of arrogant,Confidence and pride as we all leave uni with one quest and me with every other quest in the guild.

(Time skip to about three hours later as we return to the guild with all the quests done even uni's quest.)

"I see you are alive you two." Uni says smugly thinking she won and that she is better than me.

"Let's hand in the quests now looser." I say knowing that I won as I did her quest first.

After handing over the items for the item collection quest (I don't remember what they are called in the game) and confirming all my kills I show uni all the quests I did.

"WHAT HOW DID YOU DO THEM ALL?!?!" Uni shouted rivaling the pink banshee a.k.a Sakura horuno from naruto.

"Bloody hell be quite uni I have sensitive ears. I need to go sit down this really hurts." I say holding my head in extreme pain because of my fox ears.


"W-w-what d-d-did y-y-you s-s-say?" I stuttered from my short term hearing loss.

"Look sorry but you shocked me but I said what is your secret to beating quests?" Uni says sorrowfuly.

"Oh that is easy I'm a CPU candidate like you uni." I respond.

"Wait what your a CPU candidate?" Uni says keeping here voice down as to not hurt my ears.

"Yes I am but I only recently became one with a CPU memory." I say through clenched teeth.

"Well what do you fight with?" Uni asks hoping that I use a gun.

"A hammer like blanc a scopeless sniper like you and an explosive shooting revolver called the unkempt Harold." I answer knowing uni will love the fact that I use two types of guns.

"Wait you use guns there are very few people who use guns in gameindustry and I am one of them." Uni says.

"Oh yeah I should ask you will you join me and Nepgear to rescue the CPUs and gameindustry?" I ask while putting on the cutest face I can.

"Yeah I'll join you two." Uni managed to say before falling unconscious from a nosebleed that was a result of my cuteness.

"What the hell happened here?and who is this girl?" IF askes me.

"Well this is uni the lastation CPU candidate and I just convinced her to join you with my cuteness but I also caused her a nosebleed." I answer in the most innocent way I can.

"Wow you are bloody brilliant at this if you were chosen to be sent to this world then to were the right choice aya." IF responded just loving how easy I am making this hole quest to save the world and the CPUs.

"Well once she has awoken I'll go to the basilicom and get some rest I'm still not adjusted to all of this while you get the mascot in rebeat resort if you are all wondering why am I staying at the basilacon you all need to be strong for the fight at the gameindustry graveyard and also uni should wake up in" As I finish say all of that uni wakes up as I said she would after informing her of what will uni shows me to the basilacon so I can rest and so this chapter can finally end.

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