the little sister squad is complete

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After waking up at least two hours later I find a note on my face saying that IF compa Nepgear and uni have gone to lowee after trying and failing to wake me up about an hour ago quickly getting ready to go I booked it out of the basilicom and leave lastation forgetting about transportation in my rush to leave arriving at lowee's basilicom about thirty minutes later because when I want to I am faster than Minato from the naruto anime.

"Ah there you are we couldn't wake you up so we went to lowee quick question how did you get here?" IF askes me.

"I ran all the way here because I am fast as f*ck IF-SAMA" Is my answer.

"Bloody hell you must be fast to go from lastation to lowee in how long?" IF askes me in a British tone.

"Half an hour IF-SAMA." Is my answer.

"Well I have finally made a bloody resistance to the crazy shit you do. Let's go get lowee's CPU candidates now so aya do your work." IF says inspiring me to do just that.

As I open the door a book flys right over my head and hits compa right in the cleavage getting stuck between her breasts.

"OK WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO HIT ME CAUSE YOU FAILED!" I shout angry at the attempt to hit me with a book.

"Aww I missed." A girl I know as ram says.

"Well here is ram where is rom" I wonder.

"I'm here miss." Said girl says.

"Rom don't talk to these losers." Ram says trying to intimidate use but fails to do so.


"Wait there of you are CPU candidates but we thought there was only two other CPU candidates in gameindustry." Ram snaps back at me

"Yes there was only four CPU candidates but I recently became one myself." I say.

"LIAR!!" Ram shouts back at me before running into the basilicom.

"I was expecting that to happen." I mumble.

"Well lets go talk to them so we can request there help." IF says.

"How about you convince them I am a CPU candidate like them and I'll go lay down because my legs are burning right now." I say.

"I knew that feet would have drained your energy at least you aren't like Neptune she can run like the wind and not mind it at all." IF replies.

"Um IFFY aya is already asleep." Compa says finally after pretty much disappearing the last chapter.

"That was bloody fast." IF says going British again.

(Time skip two hours later when I wake up from my nap)

"Well that was a good nap did IF-sama convince ram that I am a CPU candidate yet I hope so." I say as I rub the sleep out of my fox eyes.

"Well look who's awake you sure sleep like a rock you were kidnapped and you didn't even flinch." IF says.

"It was cfw trick wasn't it?" I say in complete seriousness.

"Yes it was." IF responded bluntly.

"I need a bucket cause I'm going to vomit." I say as my face goes green.

"Yeah here you go you know rom and ram almost vomited as well so your not alone there. Also we convinced ram you are a CPU candidate as well." IF said handing me a bucket.

As soon as I have the bucket I released the flood gates and started to vomit but the last thing we expected was for me to vomit rainbows.

"Bloody hell you are full of surprises aya that's cute and gross at the same time." IF says.

"Well if rom and ram are joining us we need to get the lowee mascot so we can go to leanbox." I say.

"Well we all ready have the lowee mascot so we can go to leanbox." IF says.

"Let's get prepared to move onto leanbox we might get the last mascot in this chapter." I say casually breaking the fourth wall again.

"Well we all ready prepared to go to leanbox. So are you ready to go?" IF askes me ignoring the fourth wall break like she would to Neptune.

"Well despite still feeling sick yes I am good to go." I answer.

"Let's get the others and go now." IF says.

(Time skip about an hour later cause I'm not going to write very many travel scenes unless there important.)

"This is leanbox? Looks like england to me." I say as we arrive at the edge of leanbox.

"I'm guessing england is a place in your world?" Nepgear askes me.

"Yes yes it is. It's a lovely place also IF-sama only british people say bloody hell." I respond.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" IF askes me.

"Just that only british people say bloody hell so I guess your British now but it does fit you as well." I say.

"What are you talking about idiot there are no british people in gameindustry." Ram says trying to insult me and failing horribly.

"Hyperdevotion noire begs to differ and I don't know which games are canon or not plus IF-sama is a perfect example of a British person as well." I respond.

"Look lets just go get the leanbox mascot and go back to planeptune's basilicom and rest ok you can fight then fine." IF says trying to stop a fight in public.

"Fine!" Both me and ram say.

Arriving at the basilicom we see Chika hugging a vert body pillow while crying her eyes out.

"Well at least it's the real chika because underling is supposed to capture her and pretend to be her and fail when you arrive here." I say being optimistic about the situation we are in.

"Your not wrong there. Hey chika can you please pay attention to us we need your help right now." IF says to get Chika's attention.

"Ah who are you? And what do you want?" She askes use embarrassed from being caught with her body pillow.

"Look chika we're here to get the mascot to rescue the CPUs including vert but only you know where it's located at. And these are the CPU candidates of the other nations." IF answers.

"How do I  know you aren't lying to me." She askes scanning us for any hints of us lying.

"I can prove that." I say as I enter hdd mode.

"That was weird but this is the second time I have entered hdd mode ever." I say as the transformation finished.

"Yes you are most definitely not lying to me let me go get the mascot now for you also please rescue my darling vert for me." Chika says as she goes to get the mascot from goddess knows where.

A few minutes later chika returns with the leanbox mascot and I have returned to normal.

"Here you go now go save my vert please." She says.

"That was easy." IF says.

"Let's's go back to planeptune's basilicom so I can sleep also IF-sama you could try to wake me up by rubbing and/or tickling my ears." I suggest.

"Let's get back first." IF responds.

Nothing of interest happens on the way to planeptune and as soon as we arrive at the basilicom I go right to sleep.

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