big changes

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Well I thought that this could not get crazier but I was wrong because when I was asleep some thing happened to me.

First my age reversed to about the age of six and second I gained fox ears the same color as my hair.

both make me extremely cute but I'm so small I can't open my rooms door.

"Um can I get some help here?" I ask in a voice higher than before.

"Who are you?" Histoire askes me because she can't tell it's me because of the changes to me.

"Histoire it's me aya and I have no idea what happened to me." I answer nearly overloading Histoire with cuteness and knocking her out probably for three hours knowing her.

"What's all the noise? Who is this adorable little girl? Where is aya?" IF askes also almost having a nosebleed from how cute I am.

"It's me aya IF." I answer pouting and somehow getting cuter.

"Aya please stop pouting my heart can't take it for much longer." Histoire (some how could have sworn she'd be out for longer) and IF say holding there hand to there hearts.

"Ok madame Histoire. Madame IF." I say as I stop pouting and put on a smile as shiny as one punch man's bald head.

"Well lets go get some breakfast before we do anything else right now." Histoire says.

As we enter the living room we see compa and Nep gear preparing breakfast for all of us.

"Good morning Histoire and IF and who is this adorable little girl?" Nepgear askes Histoire not recognizing me.

"Well the funny thing is this is aya we don't know what happened to her." IF says.

"She is so cute." Compa says as we start eating our food.

When we were done eating we decided to see if I could still use hdd so we went to one of the training rooms to try it.

"Well here goes nothing." I say as I enter hdd mode.

"Well we at least have a CPU or CPU candidate on our side." IF says while I am still transforming.

"Aya do you remember were the planeptune mascot is?" Histoire askes me as I finish the transformation. The result is the same as last chapter but with fox ears and a fox tale.

"Yes. We will find it in the depths of the virtua forest." I answer sounding like Histoire.

"Well lets go then." IF says.

"Not yet we still need to see if aya can fight untransformed." Histoire says motioning me to deactivate hdd to which I comply.

"Well how am I going to fight like this?" I ask back as a six year old.

"Well you will have to try all the weapons her and find one that fits you the best." IF says.

"This is going to take forever." I say as I pick up the nearest weapon with was a copy of blanc's hammer without noticing.

"What did I do this time?" I ask as I look to the others and see them all with shocked faces.

"Do you not feel the weight of the hammer you are holding?" IF askes me still shocked.

"I am holding a hammer? Holy shit how am I holding this let alone not feeling the weight?" I shout from shock like the others.

"Well lets see if I can use it as a weapon." I say getting over the shock quickly.

"Do you have a simulation room here or what?" I ask the others.

"Yes we do follow me." Histoire finally answered.

When we arrive a training room we see that it is huge think the holo dome from borderlands the pre sequel but customisable.

"So how many enemies do you want to fight?" Histoire askes me.

"The maximum amount of enemies." I answer.

"Ok one hundred enemies what type of enemies?" She askes me again.

"Since this is my first time in this sim. Just dogoos and no giant one either." I answer not wanting to be overwhelmed.

"Ok the sim is ready to start. When you are ready to begin press the holographic button." Histoire tells me.

"Okey doky loky." I say for no reason at all.

"Let's begin the sim." I say as I press the button to start this shit.

When the battle music (naruto:rising fighting spirit)

starts dogoos start spawning until there are one hundred dogoos.

At first they are not yet hostile to me but they will soon deciding to start of with a bang I pull out the unkempt Harold and started to shoot knowing that if it worked I would not have to aim. And it did it successfully reduced the number of enemies from one hundred to about seventy five. But now they are rushing at me like a zombie horde having no time to reload the unkempt Harold I start to swing my hammer like reinhardt removing about twenty more but the I get bored and use blanc's attack tanzerin trombe spinning as fast as I can which is so fast I am just a blur spinning on my heels I kill fifteen more dogoos leaving about fourty left alive checking what I have on me I find five grenades and an explosive fastball grenade mod from borderlands 2. So I tossed one to see what would happen to my joy it absolutely nuked another thirty dogoos deciding to finish the fight I use tanzerin trombe again and kill the last ten dogoos (end the song here).

"Well it's safe to say that we can go get the mascots now." I say as I leave the sim room.

"Well it looks like she can still fight so let's go get the mascot." IF says firmly believing that nothing I do will shock her any more and we leave the basilacon for the first mascot.

After we arrive at the virtua forest depths we make our way in wards but since most of it was just fighting and looting we will just skip all of it and got to the mascot.

Arriving at the mascot's location we see linda aka underling attacking it.

"Whoa we need to stop her and quickly to." IF says not noticing that I have already walked over to linda and pushed her to the ground.

"Got the mascot lets go now." I say not giving a f*ck about linda as we leave.

"Who the f*ck where those broads." Linda say to no one enraged by the fact that she got pushed to the ground like she was nothing (which is some what true if it's me).

We fast travel back to the basilacon with the mascot in tow to see a shocked Histoire.

"Well that was fast. You all ready have the first mascot." She says to us but mainly me cause I skipped the underling boss fight.

"Yep it was too hard to resist pushing linda to the ground." I respond almost laughing at the memory.

"Well it was funny but it worked so why not." IF says.

"Well we need to prepare for the trip to lastation now. Maybe do some quests for shares." I say.

"Do you know where the lastation mascot is?" Histoire askes me.

"If I remember correctly it's in the rebeat resort." I answer while doing a thinking pose and being very cute aka cute enough to give an angry blanc heart pains.

"Well lets rest and recover first. Then we will prepare for the trip." IF says military style.

"Hey I know where we have to go and what will happen as well so I should lead us to victory tomorrow I am tired and need to sleep now. Author end the chapter now." I say as I pass out right then and there and the author ends the chapter there.

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