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"Lily, are we friends?" Aurelia asked, sitting next to Lily Potter in potions class as they worked on a potion assignment together.

Lily looked over at Aurelia, a thoughtful expression on her face, "I think we are, do you?"

Aurelia nodded, putting an ingredient into their cauldron, "That's what I thought too. I was just making sure.." she smiled slightly.

Lily continued to look at the instructions book and put ingredients into the cauldron, "Well over the past week, Auri, you've quickly become my best friend.. I think."

Aurelia couldn't help but smile widely, her eyes drifting over to Severus' table where she would always see him writing in his textbook extra notes on the instructions on each potion. Potions was something he always succeeded in, not usually succeeding in anything else most of the time. "Well, best friends it is, then," Aurelia replied, her and Lily finally looked over at each other with smiles on their face, knowing that a pact was just made between them.

It had been a week since the incident between Aurelia and Remus happened and the only times she had seen or talked to any of the boys was when James would come up and ask Lily out constantly, followed by the squadron of boys. It was then when awkward looks between them would ensue.

Since it was almost spring time and it was beginning to get warm out, a lot of the students had begun sitting outside near the lake to do assignments. Lily, Alice and Aurelia would try their best to sit away from James, Peter, Remus and Sirius, but they were loud and obnoxious, and would usually disturb all the students sitting around. Aurelia mainly observed, not caring enough to do her homework, she would look around at all her classmates and try to study them, almost.

Her eyes always landed on Severus, who had been sitting alone this time in the shape underneath the tree, still writing down things in his potions textbook. Lily and Alice had been going on about something when Aurelia decided to stand up and walk towards Severus, plopping herself down next to him as if they were good friends. He looked at her strangely when she leaned over slightly, "I see you writing in your textbook all the time, what are you doing?"

Severus furrowed his eyebrows at her, not understanding why she would even be talking to him. Aurelia continued to keep her eyes on the group of boys sitting down the hill in front of them, making sure they wouldn't start any trouble. "U- uh, nothing, just.. things," Severus answered, trying to find his words.

"Things?" Aurelia asked, noticing Sirius looking at them in the corner of her eye. "That sounds awfully boring."

"Well- I, they're thoughts, I guess," he went on, deciding it was harmless to talk to her about it. "A lot of the instructions are wrong, and I correct them—"

He gets cut off by Aurelia grabbing his textbook and flipping through it, realizing he had cut things out and wrote all over almost every single page. "So this is how you always succeed, isn't it?"

Severus nodded, taking the book back harshly before Aurelia could see the harmful spells he had created in the book as well

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Severus nodded, taking the book back harshly before Aurelia could see the harmful spells he had created in the book as well. She shrugged it off, "You're quite talented, you know that?"

Severus chuckled slightly, and she had realized it was the first time she had ever seen him smile, let alone laugh, and it was a small moment that was abruptly cut off by the group of boys who called themselves the marauders walked up the hill laughing, "Aye look Sirius, it's Snivellus!"

"Leave him alone, James," Aurelia called out to him, both her and Severus stood up. 

"Why should I?" James asked, quickly taking out his wand. Severus took his out as well but James beat him to it, "Expelliarmus!" Severus' wand flew out his hand and Aurelia stepped back. "Impedimenta!" James yelled, a spell cracked out of his wand and hit Snape, causing him to fall down. James began to throw multiple jinxes and hexes at Severus, who attempted to fight back but only got hit with the Scourgify hex which filled Severus' mouth with pink soap and began to gag on it.

"James!" Lily then walked up, followed by Alice who stood her ground behind Lily. But James only kept laughing at the sight.

The only thing that stopped James was the sight of Aurelia taking out her wand, "Expelliarmus!" She disarmed James quickly, taking the moment to take two big strides towards James and slap him across the cheek.

The small crowd of students that had gathered instantly became silent as the sound of Aurelia's hand against James' cheek sounded out. James and Aurelia simply stared at each other, James' hand was on his cheek, which was quickly becoming red. 

Lily took the moment to get to Severus and help him up, he quickly yanked his arm out of her grasp, "I don't need help from a filthy mudblood!" He spat out.

Everyone's attention quickly switched from James and Aurelia to Severus and Lily. Lily looked hurt, truly hurt, as she stood looking at Severus, who had just realized what he said, a look of regret instantly appearing on his face.

"Come on, let's get out of here," Lily said quickly to Alice and Aurelia before walking back towards the castle, tears in her eyes. Even her voice sounded hurt, betrayed.

Aurelia looked at Severus and then back to James, "You two deserve each other," was all she said before jogging back to catch up with Lily and Alice, leaving James and Severus to contemplate what had just happened.

It wasn't long before James picked his wand back up and threw another hex at Severus, giving him a moment to pick up his wand and throw a silent spell at James, which caused a couple of cuts to appear on James' face. James was angry now, using a hex to make Severus float upside down allowing everybody to see his undergarments. "You better apologize to her!"

It was then Remus who made James lower his wand and turned around, "It's not worth it, James," he said, Sirius agreed, pulling their friend back and causing Severus to fall down, almost landing on his head.

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