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A/N — The book title has been changed from 'Aurelia.' to 'Golden Dawn'. 

"Aurelia?" Sirius called out as he stepped into the forest. He had volunteered to go into the forest after they learned from McGonagall, and the Daily Prophet, that her parents had died in a death eater attack on the Ministry. By now, the whole school knew it. 

James, Remus, Peter and Lily sat on the steps that led down to Hagrid's hut almost all night, waiting for Aurelia to come back up. But it was beginning to get very dark, and so Sirius volunteered to go into the forest after her while he let the others explain everything that had happened the night before to Lily.

Usually they would've gotten in trouble for being out this late, but Dumbledore allowed it, knowing that they needed to let Aurelia do whatever she needed to to grieve. 

Sirius then saw the white wolf, through the trees about two hundred feet away. Sirius instantly turned into his dog form and chased after her, watching her sprint away from him as fast as she could.

But, part of her wanted him to catch up, so she let him and eventually he tackled her. They both transformed back to human once they laid on the ground. Aurelia laid on her back, instantly covering her face with her hands as she cried, she had only stopped crying before because wolves can't cry.

Sirius pulled his body over to her, sitting up next to her, "I'm sorry, Ari," he said, calling her by a nickname in hopes it would make her laugh.

It didn't. She simply sat up, dried leaves sticking to her back, and wiped the tears off. But they were just replaced with even more tears. Eventually Sirius wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer, "I'm so sorry."

They sat like that for what felt like hours to both of them. He just let her cry into his shoulder for as long as she needed. Once her tears stopped, he instantly pulled away from her and grabbed her face, "You're not alone, Aurelia. Remember that. You have friends here. and Hogwarts will always be here to welcome you home."

Aurelia nodded, although she still felt like she was alone and now homeless. Sirius knew she didn't believe him, "James said you were welcome to stay at his house all summer," Sirius said, "If you need some time.."

Aurelia only nodded, she didn't want to speak, she knew her voice would be raspy and painful. Sirius grabbed her arms gently, "C'mon, lets get you back, you need to rest."

Aurelia knew she would have to go back at some point, so she let him help her up and begin the long walk back out of the forest. When she got out, she was greeted by Lily, James, Remus and Peter. Sirius gave them a look and they all remained silent as Sirius still kept his arm around Aurelia, afraid she would fall if he let go. Lily rubbed her back as they went up the stairs.

Thankfully, everybody was in their dorms by the time they got to the castle, and Mr. Filch knew the situation so he didn't get them in trouble for being out late. 

Eventually they got into the Gryffindor common room, which nobody was in. "C'mon," Lily said, about to help Lily up the stairs to the girls' dorms. But Aurelia clung to Sirius and shook her head.

Sirius looked rather awkward, and so did Peter and Remus as they walked up the stairs to the boys dorm ahead of them. "Uh- she can sleep in our room tonight, I guess," Sirius told Lily.

Lily raised her eyebrow at Aurelia but then nodded, "Well, good—"

"You can come sleep in our room too, Lily," James said, mainly joking.

Lily rolled her eyes at James, "In your wildest dreams, kid," she said. "Goodnight, you guys."

James then sighed, "Night, Evans," he told her, following Sirius and Aurelia up the stairs. As soon as they got into the dorm room, they noticed Frank Longbottom, their other roommate, was already fast asleep. They knew he was a heavy sleeper as well, so they all got ready to bed. 

Sirius had let Aurelia sleep in his bed and planned to sleep on the floor as he tucked her in. "Night," he whispered, turning to walk to his spot on the floor before he felt her fingers lightly grab his hand.

He turned to look at her, her eyes beginning to water, "Stay," she said softly, lightly pulling him back to the bed. It was a twin size bed so it barely had room for another person, and Aurelia knew that.

James and Remus, whose beds were closest to Sirius' watched awkwardly. Sirius looked at his friends and then back to Aurelia before sighed and taking off his shoes, pulling back the covers and then climbing into the small bed with her. She instantly put her hand and head on his chest, letting herself fall asleep almost instantly on Sirius.

Sirius let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he set her arm around her and they both relaxed into each other. James, Remus and Peter were attempting not to make any immature comments before they all fell asleep. Though Sirius was sure that they were mouthing to each other across the room making fun of Sirius.

Even though Sirius and Aurelia had kissed before, it was public now, and Sirius didn't know how he felt about it. But Aurelia was happy in her spot, happy that she was safe in somebody's arms.

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