The Order

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"Still haven't spoken to Sirius, have you?" Lily asked, once again bringing up Sirius in Potions class in front of Remus, James and Severus.

Severus continued to mind his own business, not wanting to start a fight in front of Lily. James and Remus both seemed rather interested as well.

"Aurelia, it's been a week and you're still mad at Sirius for something that he did three years ago!" James argued. But Aurelia knew they were only defending Sirius because they all wanted her and Sirius to get together. Severus finally looked up, realizing it was about the prank Sirius had pulled on him three years ago.

Aurelia looked at her friends, "It just changed my perspective on him, that's all. It's weird. I don't know what to say to him when I see him anymore."

Lily sighed, "Well, to be fair, he has changed a lot in the past three years," she argued.

"Listen, you guys, I'm just trying to get passed five N.E.W.T.s this year, I'm not trying to focus on any boy, especially Sirius," Aurelia then explained, cutting off anybody from speaking again.

"At least forgive him," Remus said finally, "do you know how upset he is that you've been ignoring him?"

"He'll get over it," Aurelia said, obviously not knowing something that everybody else did by the way they had reacted. Aurelia studied her four classmates at her table, "What is it?"

Lily spoke slowly, carefully, "Don't you think that you and Sirius have a... connection?"

Aurelia's cheeks got rosy as she raised her eyebrows, looking at Lily with confusion. "A connection?"

Lily looked to Remus and James for help but they just quickly looked back to their cauldron and continued to work. Lily sighed, "Yeah, a connection. You know what I'm talking about, Auri, quit trying to dodge the question."

Aurelia looked at her a bit dumbfounded, "Fine, there's a connection. But not one him or I necessarily want so will you please drop it?"

It wasn't long before they were all sitting in the Great Hall eating dinner together. Despite Aurelia being angry Sirius, she was the first one to notice Sirius wasn't sitting at the table yet. "Hey guys, where's Sirius?"

Everybody looked around now, trying to look for Sirius. He was nowhere in sight. "Maybe he's studying?" Remus said.

"Sirius, studying?" Lily then asked. "Aurelia, don't you usually meet him at the Potions class to walk with him to dinner?"

"Yeah.. usually," Aurelia said as she looked around even more, soon noticing that a loud chunk of the Slytherin table was gone. "Winston," she said instantly, standing up from the table.

It took her friends half a second to realize what must have been happening and stand up to run after her. But Aurelia was already out of Great Hall and running down the corridor to where Potions class was, since she knew that was his last class of the day.

She jumped down the last few steps and then heard it faintly, she instantly took her wand out and began to slowly make her way down the cold stone halls, closer to the noise. She then heard Sirius yell out and she ran around the corner.

"Stupefy!" Aurelia yelled, shooting a spell straight at Winston, who was on top of Sirius with a knife, cutting something into Sirius' forearm while three of Winston's friends held him down.

Winston flew down the hall and hit the ground with a loud thud. Aurelia then realized she wasn't the only one who was seventeen and could do magic without getting in trouble. The three other Slytherins turned towards Aurelia with their wands out. "Expelliarmus!" Aurelia quickly yelled, disarming one of the boys.

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