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Aurelia eventually found herself staying at James' during the summer, along with Sirius, who had run away from home last year. Lily was constantly over as well, having forgave them at the end of the year.

"James!" Aurelia called from her bedroom. James didn't answer, "James!" she called again.

Aurelia groaned, standing off her bed with her notebook and walking out of her room, almost running into Sirius as she did so. "Jesus!" Sirius exclaimed, "What is it?"

"What the difference between a charm and a transfiguration spell?" Aurelia asked and Sirius looked at her blankly.

"James!" Sirius then called out, since he didn't know the answer.

"What?!" James yelled angrily from the living room, angry that they were interrupting his reading.

Aurelia skipped to the living room with her notebook, "What's the different between a charm spell and a transfiguration spell?"

"God, Aurelia, can't this wait?" James asked, gesturing to the open book he was holding.

"Nope," Aurelia plopped herself down next to James, popping his personal bubble. "If I don't pass five N.E.W.T.s this last year then I won't be able to be an auror and then I'm pretty much screwed on making a living."

James rolled his eyes, "Charms focus on changing what the thing does, not what the thing is like what transfiguration does."

Aurelia leaned over and kissed James on the cheek after she wrote the answer on her notebook. She hopped up happily, "Thank you!"

James laughed at her, "Oh, by the way, Sirius, there was a letter for you on the table by the door," James pointed to the door.

Sirius' brows furrowed in as he grabbed the letter, it had a fancy calligraphy on it that had Sirius' name on it. Aurelia stopped on the way to her room to see what the letter said. He opened it to reveal a letter and an invitation slip. He first read the letter and then surprise appeared on his face, he then finished it and looked at the invitation, "You've got to be kidding me.."

"What is it?" James asked, putting his book down on the coffee table and walking over to Sirius. Aurelia set her notebook down and then looked over Sirius' other shoulder and looked at the invitation.

"Oh my god.." Aurelia said, finally grabbing the invite out of Sirius' hand. "We should go," Aurelia said, a sense of adventure on her face.

Sirius grabbed the invitation back, "You're joking, right? That would be a complete disaster."

"Your mom sends you an invitation to a party at the Malfoys with a plus one and you're not going to go?" Aurelia asked, disbelief on her face.

"The last time I saw my mum, she told me to go rot in hell for disgracing our family name by hanging out with blood traitors and mudbloods," Sirius said, looking at Aurelia as though she was crazy.

"Yeah, but think about it," Aurelia paced back and forth in front of them, "She most likely sent it just to be courteous, I doubt she expects you to show up. So.. you and I show up and crash the party."

"Aurelia, I don't think it's crashing the party if you have an invitation," James said.

Aurelia rolled her eyes at him but she could tell she was starting to convince Sirius. "It'd be so interesting, Sirius. And I'll be there to shut your mother down if she tries to start anything, we'll get to peer inside the dark life," she said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Sirius stood for a moment, thinking about it. "Okay, fine, we'll go together."

"You two are mad," James said, looking at Aurelia and Sirius.

"I just really want to dress up," Aurelia said, giggling a little bit which caused Sirius to smile. "What time is Lily coming over?"

James looked at the clock, "Should be here any minute, why?"

"Sorry, I'm going to take her shopping instead," Aurelia said, grabbing her notebook and walking down the hall to her room.

"I was going to hangout with her tonight!" James said.

Sirius chuckled at him, "What? You gonna make a move tonight?" Sirius nudged James with his elbow.

"Maybe!" James said.

"No you won't!" Aurelia yelled from her room. 

Sirius laughed at James and James looked offended, "Mate, be honest, you've been saying you were going to make a move on her for months now."

James rolled his eyes, "Well, tonight I was really gonna do it."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Sirius looked at James, "No, you won't."

James sighed and then turned and opened the door. Lily smiled at James, and James awkwardly smiled back. "Hey," she said softly.

James moved over to let her in, "Hey—"

"All right! Let's go!" Aurelia instantly grabbed Lily's arm and pulled her out of the house. "We'll be back later!"

James sighed, shutting the door after them as Lily laughed at Aurelia's quick movements down the street. "What was that all about?" Lily asked as James closed the door behind them.

"Sirius' mother gave him an invitation to a party at the Malfoy house," Aurelia explained, "I convinced him to go, and bring me. Thus we must go shopping because I don't own a single dress."

Lily nodded, but she saw right through it, but they walked down the street with their arms locked anyways. "Aurelia.. is this about you trying to get involved in the fight against you-know-who?"

"You can use his name, y'know," Aurelia said, letting go of Lily's arm.

"Aurelia, we haven't even graduated from Hogwarts yet," Lily said, finally stopping them on the sidewalk. "You can't go looking for death eaters."

Aurelia stopped, rather annoyed that Lily was even stopping at all. "The death eaters who killed my parents are already in Azkaban. I have nothing personal against any of the remaining death eaters, I just want to help. I really do. I mean, have you been reading the paper? Do you know how many muggles families get killed by them? Or even muggleborns?" Aurelia stopped for a moment, looking at Lily, "You're a muggleborn, Lily."

Lily sighed, grabbing Aurelia's arm again, "I guess you're right.." Beginning to walk back down the sidewalk again.

"Yeah, so if I can help spot out death eaters at a party of known pureblood-activists," Aurelia began, "Then I will."

Lily nodded as they walked by a women's clothing boutique, "Oh my god, Aurelia, look."

Aurelia looked over to see a beautiful blue dress in the window. It had a blue and grey long gown on the bottom half, and jewels at the top half. "Oh my god, I want it."

Lily nodded, "That is definitely the one," she said. She then watched Aurelia walk into the shop ahead of her, not being able to help but feel worried about her best friends.

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