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"Something.. very terrible happened a few nights ago," Dumbledore spoke loudly and clearly to the entire great hall, sitting in his chair, Aurelia grabbed Sirius' hand under the table. 

"You are all very aware of the threat of Voldemort and his followers," the students in the hall instantly started whispering to each other, "and I can assure you, you are all very safe from outside forces here. But in the end, Voldemort's greatest weapon to you when you are here is you yourself. One of the students here was attacked by his own peers who had been recruited by Voldemort.. And those students have been expelled in an attempt to keep the rest of you out of harm's way."

Dumbledore looked as though he was having trouble thinking of what to say. "I don't have anything else to say other than I am extremely disappointed in these students but I also pity them. If any of you feel pressured to harm yourselves or others then please, me and the rest of the staff are here to talk."

Then the last feast before Holiday break began. It was a lot more depressing than usual, given Dumbledore's speech before it. Aurelia and Sirius' arms were intertwined as they ate with their free hands. 

Remus sat across from them looking at them strangely. "This is weird— you two, together." He stated.

"I agree," James and Lily said at the same time. 

Aurelia looked at the three of them with disbelief, "First, you guys wanted Sirius and I to get together, and now that we are you guys are complaining?"

Remus, James and Lily began laughing and Aurelia couldn't help but smile a little bit, "you guys are unbelievable," she mumbled.

"You all are coming over during break, right?" James asked, looking around at their friend group.

Peter, Remus and Lily all nodded, "Of course."

"I mean, we live with you, so—" Aurelia joked. Sirius continued not to smile and just eat his food.

"Oh yeah, speaking of, let's keep the fact that you guys are dating hidden from my parents, please," James said. "I don't know if they would be okay with you two living there when you're dating."

Sirius nodded, "That's fine. I'm thinking about going to look for flats over break."

This was news to everybody sitting around him. "You're gonna move out?" James looked rather disappointed.

Sirius nodded slowly, as if it was obvious, "Well, it won't be until after Hogwarts is done, but yeah.. my uncle left me quick a lot of money."

"Oh.." James said quietly, "well, there's no rush, y'know."

Sirius nodded back, "thank you, brother."

James only gave him a smile and nodded back at him. Aurelia also smiled, she loved James and Sirius' best friend relationship, they were by far the closest out of the whole group.

"Oh! I totally forgot! I have go grab something from the common room!" Lily said, standing up from the table as quickly as possible. Everybody looked over to the very front of the Gryffindor table where they sat as Lily began to jog down the aisle.

Aurelia's eyes widened as James stood up after her, "Lily!" 

She knew what was going to happen and smiled widely as Lily turned around and faced James. Everybody was looking now, and Aurelia knew this would be a moment to remember. She knew James wanted it to be special but this was monumental.

Lily and James looked at each other from fifteen feet away in the aisle, everybody's eyes on them. "James? What is it?" Lily asked, obviously a little bit flustered from all the eyes look at her and him.

Aurelia and Sirius had let go of each other as Aurelia put her hands over her mouth, trying to hide her large smile.

James then walked forward in a few swift steps before he pressed his lips to Lily's in the middle of the room. It took a little moment but soon the whole room erupt into cheers and claps. Even Dumbledore and the rest of the staff clapped lightly.

They disconnected and James threw his hands up, "I love you, Lily Evans."

"It took you long enough!" Lily said before jumping into James' arms as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you too," she whispered into his ear, for only him to hear.

Aurelia finally saw Sirius smile widely since he had gotten attacked, and she leaned into him as they all laughed and clapped happily. Soon the cheering died down and James let Lily go get what she was going to from the common room. James sat back down and it was as if the whole room had forgotten about it.

Although Aurelia had seen Severus sitting at the Slytherin table looking rather jealous and mad about it.

"Finally!" Remus, Sirius, Peter and Aurelia all said together.

James glared at them, "Yeah yeah, I just want it to be special, all right?"

"Yeah, I think you succeeded with that," Peter joked. "Whole school's gonna remember it now."

"That's fine with me," James said, "I'm absolutely in love with her. Just you guys watch, I'm gonna marry that girl if it's the last thing I do."

"You said this in third year too, I think we get it now," Sirius said causing James to stick his tongue out at him in a childish way.

"I'm ready to go home," Aurelia said, "I just want a break from studying for a little bit."

Sirius wrapped his arm around Aurelia again in comfort. James nodded, "I hear ya," he said in agreement.

"Yeah, only difference is you'll inherit so much money you won't need to get a job after Hogwarts," Aurelia said, almost in a mean way.

James looked at Aurelia a bit hurt, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's nothing," Aurelia said, looking back down at her plate and grabbing Sirius' hand tightly.

James was about to continue the conversation but Sirius shook his head at him, guessing Aurelia was extremely angry by the way she squeezed his hand hard.

It wasn't long before they were all on the train back to Kings Cross station, going home for the holiday. "Congratulations on passing your apparition test, Sirius, by the way," James said, breaking the silence as the three of them walked through London. James and Aurelia had passed theirs at the end of last school year.

Aurelia stopped, "Oh.. yeah, I guess we could just apparate home."

Sirius furrowed his eyebrows, "Yeah.. I guess we could, I hadn't really thought about that."

"I keep forgetting how old we are," Aurelia said before grabbing both James and Sirius' hands and then apparating back to the Potters' home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2018 ⏰

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