Advanced Potions

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Aurelia, James and Remus were enjoying standing on a bench above a large crowd of Hogwarts students as everybody frantically pushed through each other to get to their classes. They were laughing as McGonagall tried to control the students.

"No, Mr. Smith, Astronomy is up the stairs not down!" McGonagall yelled from standing in the center of the busy crowd.

Aurelia had taken her Charms class N.E.W.T. test the first week of school which gave her a free period in the morning for her to hangout with James and Remus. They usually stood up on a bench and watched the chaos that was Hogwarts students. 

"Oh! Ms. Syphon," McGonagall called and Aurelia sighed, jumping down off the bench and making her way over to McGonagall as James and Remus continued to laugh at first years who looked confused. "Why are you not in class?" Mcgonagall asked, her hands on her hips.

"Well, I took my Charms N.E.W.T in the first week of school which gave me a free period in the mornings," Aurelia explained, "And James and Remus also aren't taking any classes this period so they're free as well.."

McGonagall looked at her blankly, "Well then you can switch your potions class with an advanced potions class this morning with Professor Slughorn and then switch your potions period in the afternoon to a study hall period," she told Aurelia, causing Aurelia to groan.

"Fine," Aurelia said, beginning to walk back through the crowd. 

"And take Potter and Lupin with you, they look far too happy over there!" Mcgonagall called out after her.

Aurelia found herself dragging James and Remus off the bench and to class, "Guess we're signed up for Advanced Potions," she told the boys.

Remus and James groaned, "But I was going to use this time to get ready for Quidditch season," James complained.

"Yeah, James, because you need more practice," Aurelia said sarcastically.

James smirked slightly as they made their way into the class. Professor Slughorn turned around and saw them, "Oh, Ms. Syphon, good morning."

"Hi, Professor Slughorn. Mcgonagall suggested I switch my regular potions class with this one, hope you don't mind," Aurelia said. "And I was told to bring Remus Lupin and James Potter with me."

"Oh, yes, yes, of course, grab a textbook and gather 'round," Professor Slughorn said. Aurelia, James and Remus all grabbed textbooks from the back of the class and then stood in front of the table that Slughorn was teaching the class at.

They all stood next to Lily who had already been taking the class. Aurelia looked around and then saw Severus in the class as well. He was one of the few Slytherins in the class, the rest were mainly Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, aside from Remus, James, Lily and Aurelia.

Slughorn then sent them out to their tables. Severus was a bit slow and found that the only seat that was empty was at the table with James, Remus, Aurelia and Lily.

Aurelia heard James mutter a swear word under his breath as Severus took his spot at the table. Aurelia and Lily both nudged James with their elbows. They began to each make their potion but halfway through, Aurelia noticed that Severus was doing something completely different than what they were doing.

Aurelia peered over her cauldron to see Severus' Advanced Potions textbook. It was only a month into term, but he had already made notes on almost every potion in the book. 


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