Chapter 1

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....It's just I'm NOT popular. I'm just as pretty as any other girl, but I'm not the girl who sits in the back quietly waiting for that guy...her dream guy to suddenly want her. I live my life like any other normal person. I do what I love with who I love...In my circle of friends....well actually we're more like a square...we don't fantasize about going to the biggest, wildest party! No....that's just not us...we rather have fun...together...kinda like a family. Just the 5 of us...including myself. There's Ginger, Leslie, Glenn, and my brother...Ryan. People like how me and my brother are so close...I don't see why...I don't get how siblings grow to retest each other....its odd.

        We sat at our regular table during lunch...Our table always felt like the loudest, but no one paid any mind to us...except a few girls that would come by and flirtatiously wave at Ryan and Glenn. I would never understand everyone's fuss over cute guys...don't get me wrong...I love to stare at a cute guy like every other girl, but I don't know why girls lose their minds...especially when it comes to....I felt an elbow fly I to my stomach...knocking the air out of me. The blow was delivered by Leslie, whose eyes were fixed on the figure coming towards our table.

Kendrick Cartwright....most popular guy in school...and probably the cutest. You see...Leslie and I've had this weird crush on Kendrick since middle school...the only problem is...I outgrew him. I mean...I haven't spoken to the dude in years...and the most we've ever said was 'Hi' or 'Did you drop your pencil' Not very stimulating conversations if you ask me, but my boy crazy bestie...would try to find anyway to get her finely manicured fingers on Kendrick.

I rubbed my stomach...still sore from Leslie's blow...I swear her head turned around completely, just so she didn't have to take her eyes off Kendrick.

        "Lez...he's can blink now." Glenn chuckled. She quickly faced us...her face red as her lips.

        "Sorry guys, but he's just so GOREGOUS!" She moaned. I rolled my eyes...Ginger did the same.

        "I don't see your fascination with that guy...sure he's attractive, popular, rich, and funny...but if you take all that away...what do you have then?" Ryan protested.

        "" Leslie added. Ryan hung his head in shame. I let out a soft laugh. That's when the bell rung...lunch was officially over. Two more boring classes to go.

        "Kris...I'll walk you to Econ, ok?" Glenn replied as he threw his arm on my shoulder.

        "Ha...ok." I laughed. Glenn was my friend the you could say he was kinda my best friend. Besides Ryan of course. He lives across the street from Ryan and it's no surprise why....I met Leslie in 7th and I didn't meet Ginger until last she's still pending, but...She's probably the coolest person I know....but back to Glenn. He was the bad boy of the group...He wore sunglasses indoors. He's such a rebel...Haha.  When we got to my class we gave a small departing hug before I walked into class. A second later...the bell rung. My perfect record....still perfect. I walked towards my seat to see....Dalia! Despite her pleasant look....She's really a spawn of Satan...and it was rumored that her evilness was contagious....all it took was a glance. Silly rumors. I walked right past her avoiding eye contact...just to be safe. There was only one seat...right behind...Kendrick. I was shocked that no one else took the seat. I expected someone like take that seat so she could poke him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear...but no....she sat in MY seat...ACROSS the class room. Thanks gave Leslie something to drill me about when she finds out. And incase she can read minds...I was being sarcastic. I slowly eased my but onto the cold seat. It literally felt like I was sitting on an ice cube. I looked up and saw I was sitting right under the A/C vent. Oh joy! What else did this seat come with? Free gum under the desk. Oh happy day- Sorry...I have a slight addiction to sarcasm.

Class went by pretty fast...Thank god...only 2 minutes left. Mr. Ross passed back our tests from last week. I got a 92% and I was pretty proud. I looked over Kendrick's shoulder to see his score.

        "104%!" I gasped...loud enough for Dalia and well Canada to hear. I felt my face burn...I suddenly wasn't cold anymore. I felt like eyes were on me....I slowly peeked up to see a perfect pair of brown eyes on me.

        They belonged to Kendrick. He had this smirk on his face....He said no words. That's when the bell rung. I quickly grabbed my stuff and darted for the door. That was the most awkward experience of my life...maybe it is that I'm a loser /.\

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