Chapter 31

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        Kendrick and I haven't spoke since since the break up. It's been a month. I hate this empty feeling of not having him in my life anymore. We pass each other in the hallway without saying a word. He sits with his friends at lunch and I sit with mine. I see Dalia wrap her arms around him. I try not to let it bother me...everything feels we've never met. Like the days were were together vanished from it was all a dream in my head. Lez and Aria have been there for me alot...even though they hate each other. I have no idea why....but I try to just forget about their tension. Some days I sit with Aria at lunch...since she's so beautiful a bunch of guys stop by and try to hit on her. She turns them all down and says that there's only one guy who has her heart. She hasn't told me who the guy is yet....i respect her for wanting to keep it a secret until she knows she can trust me...we've only been friends for 3 months....but we call each other best friends and sisters. Lez hates that i'm becoming so close to Aria....because she's so used to me being super close to her....but Lez has a boyfriend. And Aria and I don't. We can talk about cute guys without worrying about our boyfriend 24/7. We can go to the movies together....without feeling like a third wheel if one of us had a boyfriend to bring along. Don't get me wrong....I love Lez to death, but lately she and Ryan have been clingier than for the past month...I've sat with Aria everyday at lunch.

        Aria walked me to my Econ class after the lunch bell rung. I walked into class feeling good...until I saw Dalia sitting in my seat. And of course the only available seat was right behind Kendrick. OH JOY! -.- I slowly took my seat. Kendrick turned around and smiled at me. I couldn't help, but smile back.

        "Hi." He sighed.

        "Hey..." I added.

And just with that simple Hey ....we were friends again. He would sit with Aria and I at lunch. We'd talk about music, television, movies....Just things friends would talk about. It was nice. Things weren't awkward...just friendly and fun. We never talked about the break up. Which I'm glad we didn't. It was just nice to have him in my life again. He dropped me off at home after school right after he dropped off Aria. I walked inside and threw my bags on the floor by the door. I plopped down on my couch and pulled out my phone:

1 new message from: ARIA

Aria: I knew it!

Me: Knew what?

Aria: You like someone! It's was so obvious today.

        I rolled my eyes. I didn't like anyone. I was happy not being in a relationship and spending time with my two friends: Kendrick and Aria. I texted her back:

Me: You're trippin

Aria: Am I? I know you liiike someone. And I know who it is!

Me: Who, then...

Aria: Kenny.

        I kinda froze. No...No way. I didn't like Kendrick. We're just good friends now. The past week we've been hanging out has been amazing...too amazing. I couldn't ruin this by getting feelings for him feelings for him never left in the first place. What if I do still love him?! God that is wrong...were friends now. Having feelings for him might just ruin everything.

Me: No...Haha...I just like him as a friend, Aria.

Aria: Mhhm! I'm watching you!

Me: I know....anyways.....PROM is next week.

Aria: I know! I'm so excited

Me: Who are you going with?

Aria: With my ;)

Me: Sorry....I'm going with my bestie! *cough cough* You 

Aria: We should make Kenny take us dress shopping!

Me: OMG we should.

        Aria and I texted each other for hours...talking about dressings and how she's gonna spend the night the day of prom...and this weekend. Things finally felt perfect. I had a best friend who actually had time for ex who has became my best friend...and on top of that my parents will be in town the day of prom to take pictures and rent a limo...Nothing could ruin this- I got a text:

1 new message: LEZ

Lez: What's up?

Me: Not much...just going over prom details.

Lez: With?

Me: A friend

Lez: You mean Aria! >:(

Me: So what if I am. She's a really cool person, Lez.

Lez: Ya I bet. Hope you and you're NEW bestie have fun...

Me: Lez you're still my best friend!

Lez: Really? Doesn't seem like it.

Me: Well if you weren't so busy snuggling up with Ryan you would have noticed!

Lez: So that's what this is about. You're jealous...

Me: What?!

Lez: You're jealous that I have a boyfriend! That I'm happy....and all your boyfriends dumped you!

Me: know what....forget you. See ya!

Lez: See ya!

        I threw my phone. I couldn't believe it....I lost my best friend....Leslie....over something so stupid, but you know what! I don't need her...I have Aria and Kendrick! They're all I need. They're all I have.

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