Chapter 20

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A week later....

        I've never been so excited to go back to school....NEVER. But it was 2014 now. I was ready to put....over dramatic, whinny, depressed, boy-depended Kristina behind me. I spent the past week...fixing myself. With the Christmas gift Lez got me and the gift Ryan got me. I was ready to focus on school...and Photography, which has became a hobby i really love now....not just because it's how Noah and I met.


        I shook the thought from my head. NO BOYS! I'm above all of it....I began fixing my hair and adjusting my outfit. I needed to walk into that school...looking perfect. No crying....nothing was going to make me sad. I barged into the school. I walked down the hallway like it was a runway. People starred. Girls I barely knew smiled and complimented me. Guys who used to ignore me whistled. I felt infinite. I walked up to my locker. I began to get my stuff out when I heard a girlish scream. I peeked from behind my locker....there was Ginger and Dalia....and.....wait! Who was that! There was another girl next to them....She was so pretty...she made them both look hideous. Aria was her name. I saw Dalia and Ginger trying to be all buddy buddy with her. Poor girl. It was obvious that she was a new girl and was going to be influenced by the two evil stepsisters of the school. I rolled my eyes.  I continued to walk down the hall....except...this one was saying anything to me. I guess my 15 minutes were up, but when I got close...they'd whisper to each other. I checked myself. Was there something on my face? Why were people whispering about me....I literally stepped into school 10 minutes ago! What top secret drama could they be spreading about me now.

Lunch couldn't have came sooner. It was time to have fun with my friends....We all haven't been together in a while. I sat down at the table with a huge smile on my face. They all were silent. Looking down at their food....What was going on? Even Lez was quiet! Lez! Of all people. I starred at them all. One of them was going to have to crack! I needed to know. 

        "Nothing?" I asked," You guys aren't going to say nothing all lunch are you?"

        "We were planning on it." Glenn sighed. I turned to him the evil eye.

        "My mom told me if you don't have anything nice to shouldn't say anything at all." Lez sighed as she pretended to zip her lips. I raised an eyebrow.

        "I'm pulling the best friend card! Best friends don't keep secrets." I snapped.

        "They do if it's a life or death secret!" Ryan added.

        "If the whole school knows...including the teachers...then ain't a secret!" I growled.

        "Do you know?" Glenn asked.


        "Then it's a secret from you!" Lez added.

        "Okay then..." I grabbed my lunch and left the table. If they weren't going to tell me this life or death secret...i was going to find someone who would.


        "Hey." I sighed as I walked up to Dalia and Ginger. They rolled their eyes at me and turned the other way. They began to whisper about me. I became enraged. Even the two people who hated me weren't telling me. I stormed out the cafeteria. I ran down the hall and to my locker. I wanted to punch something....someone....I didn't care. I heard distant footsteps...coming closer. I looked and saw Aria. The new girl. I smiled at her....She smiled back.

        "'re Kristina, right?" She asked. 

        "Yeah I am..." I smiled.

        "So you're the girl everyone's talking about." She gasped. My smile faded. Even the knew girl knew!

        "Um...yeah....I guess." 

        "Are you okay? I know you barely know me but-"

        "Wait...of course I'm okay. What could be wrong?" I asked.

        "Everyone's talking about you and some guy, Noah?" She started. My ears opened," Everyone's just talking about the two of you." 

        "That's it?" I asked.

        "Yeah..." She sighed with a smile.

        "Well i'm fine. Thanks for your concern, Aria?"

        "You're welcome." she added as she continued down the hall. I rushed back into the cafeteria and sat down beside my friends.

        "We've decided that you're friends shouldn't keep secerts." Lez sighed.

        "Oh it's okay...i know the big secret." I laughed. They starred at me confused.

        "How could you be laughing?" Ryan scoffed. I winced.

        "I thought you loved him!" Lez kinda shouted.

        "What....I do...what are you talking about?" I asked. They all looked at each other....then Lez faced me and said the words I never thought I would hear.....

        "Noah is gone." She sighed. I raised one eyebrow....then I felt tears.

        "Wait.....dead?" I was about to cry...

        "What! No! I mean left the state gone. He graduated early....he left for North Dakota." She sighed. My eye twitched. Noah.....left! No goodbye! No phone call! No nothing!

        "We didn't want to tell you because we didn't want you to be sad.....we know you've been really hap-"

        "Sad! Oh I'm not sad....I'm PISSED!" I that second the bell rung. I left the table in a rush. Gone. Noah was gone! I couldn't believe could he. I went to my Econ class and sat in my seat. Not the seat behind Kendrick. I put my head down and waited....and then the bell rung....i looked up and saw.....Kendrick was gone, too.

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