chapter one

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harry potter has joined seekr!

he couldn't believe he'd allowed seamus finnigan to talk him into downloading the dodgy dating app. it was created by some underclassman student, but he suspected the copious amounts of firewhiskey he'd consumed had something to do with him agreeing to sign up.

a deafening ping! was heard around the common room as everyone who'd downloaded the app was notified. he found it weird how the app worked that way: how, even if you weren't matched with someone, you knew they existed. now, everyone knew harry had finally caved in and downloaded it.

he set his phone down, nervously awaiting the first time his phone would ping!, signaling himself to have gotten a match on the app. really, he hadn't wanted to download it, but ever since his breakup with ginny, harry's love life had been going through quite a dry spout. he needed something fresh, something spontaneous.

there was another ping! heard around the common room, but it hadn't come from harry's phone specifically. someone else had signed up for the app:

draco malfoy has joined seekr!

he never would've taken malfoy as someone to sign up for such a ridiculous app, but the evidence was now here. draco malfoy was just as much of a follower as everybody else.


draco had finally caved in and signed up for the app after pansy begged him for the umpteenth time that week.

"fine, i'll get it," he snapped. "if only to make you shut up!"

nighttime had fallen at hogwarts and as draco wasn't really that entranced by the stupid dating app, he took his phone to his dorm and rested it on his nightstand. he was going to bed and couldn't care less about the app.

until it went ping!

then his eyes were weary, as pansy had lectured him on everything he'd need to know about the app once he'd downloaded it. this noise was different from the one that had resonated once he'd signed up. this noise meant he'd matched with someone:

you have matched with harry potter!

he wanted to vomit.

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