chapter twenty

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"holy shit!" blaise exclaimed suddenly, drawing the attention of his two friends as they sat around the slytherin common room. pansy had been debating taking a nap, had her head resting in blaise's lap. like usual, draco sat across from him with a quill between his teeth, working on homework.

"what is it?" pansy asked, yawning. she'd very nearly been asleep.

"i've just matched with potter on seekr! wait, potter's into blokes?" the dark-skinned boy queried, and now draco's eyes were wide.

"but, but... your phone, it didn't even ping." the blond claimed, brushing aside his schoolwork in order to gaze at zabini's phone. sure enough, the notification lit up menacingly.

you have matched with harry potter!

"i set it on vibrate, duh! but like, that's such an odd thing... matching with potter, i mean." blaise claimed, still staring at his phone, though he moved it so pansy could see as well.

"aye, potter's into blokes then, but what about you, blaise? he matched with you! are you into blokes?" the pug-faced girl asked, and draco eyed their exchange nervously. of all the guys at hogwarts for potter to match with, other than himself, it had to be blaise – a slytherin, and his closest friend.

"not even close, pans. you know i like women." he leaned downwards to kiss her forehead. "you, specifically."

she cooed in response, and draco rolled his eyes. part of him wanted to message potter about it, though a larger part of him wanted to play this off like it hadn't affected him. he hadn't yet come out to his friends regarding his sexuality, and his parents knew even less so that he'd even been questioning it. he knew, in his father's mind, draco was supposed to be marrying some pureblooded witch after his schooling was over, and they'd produce an heir to the malfoy name.

"who all have you matched with, draco?" blaise asked, pulling the blond from his own head. draco blinked, heart wrenching in his chest. it had only been three people: potter, astoria greengrass, and theodore nott.

"astoria, as you already know." he responded cooly. his friend didn't need to know about either of the men in his life – or technically lacking in his life.

"i mean, aside from the fact that daphne would kill you for going anywhere near her sister, i can dig the pairing. i mean, she's pureblooded, their family has wealth, and she's a slytherin. she's your perfect bride." pansy rambled, and draco felt bile rising in his throat. since his initial meeting with astoria, neither of the magic folk had spoken to each other at all — not even in passing.

"pans is right. you two are the ideal pair." blaise claimed, and then glanced at his phone once more. his gauged reaction was precisely why draco had yet to come out about his own sexuality. "i just can't believe this app would insult me in such a way of matching me with potter."

and part of draco wanted to defend the gryffindor, but a larger part of him wanted to agree. harry shouldn't have matched with blaise; draco should've been his only one. not that he was developing an odd feeling towards the boy or anything, because of course not.

harry potter was undeniably, irrevocably straight.

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