chapter eighteen

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draco did his best to avoid seekr and potter helped him with that greatly. he'd told him to leave him the fuck alone, and it seemed, for once in the stupid gryffindor's life, he listened.

still, draco somewhat missed his conversations with the curly-haired boy, though he'd never be the first to cave in and message him again. they needed to be apart. talking to potter without all of the snark and physical conflict had made him realize some things: some things he wasn't pleased to have realized.

for starters, if they happened to be in the great hall, draco found himself sitting so he would be able to see the expressions on potter's face whenever he said something. because of this, he found himself watching potter more than he ever had before. he watched him in class, watched him in the corridors and at meals; he wanted to learn everything he could about the savior of the wizarding world.

and he was curious.

he was so curious as to why someone so famous had downloaded a dating app and yet had only matched with his supposed nemesis. one he now claimed he didn't even know if he still hated. it was all very curious, indeed.

he was also curious as to why potter cared so much that he'd only matched with draco. honestly, why did the green-eyed boy need to rely on an app to tell him who he should date? and why had it matched him with a boy if he was supposedly straight?

seriously, draco needed to stop thinking about potter. he wondered if it was because of his lack of time spent with theo as of recent. he debated asking him to hang out, though just as he was about to shoot him a text, he noticed the aforementioned boy standing with daphne greengrass in the corridor, locked in a tender embrace.

draco's heart all-but shattered at the sight. he ducked behind the corner, hoping to have not been discovered, and then, by some twisted chance of fate, his phone made a ping!

you have matched with theodore nott!

he wanted to cry.

another ping! sounded, and draco knew it as theo's phone. he listened for his reaction.

"what the fuck?" nott exclaimed.

"what?" daphne queried.

"i've just matched with draco," theo claimed incredulously. "i'm not even gay!"

"obviously. now come here, stud."

and then the tears in draco's quivering eyes began to fall.

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