chapter thirty-six

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you're holding my fingers wrong.

don't text me then, dolt.


the boys made their way around hogsmeade slowly, taking in the sights as if they were seeing the cheery place for the first time. they watched younger witches and wizards frolic around, and whenever they saw someone they knew, their hands broke apart quicker than a marshmallow in hot cocoa.

harry had been terribly nervous when draco insisted he hold his hand, but honestly, it was nice to feel someone's warm skin against his own in the chilly air. under a dark grey, button-down jacket, draco had worn harry's scarlet and gold jumper, which featured a scarlet letter 'h' right in the middle of the chest. the wind tossed the blond's hair attractively, and gave a rosy hue to his otherwise pale skin.

harry wore a pair of jeans and a dark blue jumper of his own, hair under a grey beanie. his toes were clad in a pair of old sneakers, and he walked around clumsily like he always did when nervous. he kept biting his lip, and eventually, as the two passed a dimly lit alley, draco pushed them into it and aligned harry's back against the wall.

for a moment, harry was terrified the blond would kiss him, but then, he noticed him pull a small tube out of his coat pocket, which he handed to the black-haired boy easily. it was a muggle invention called 'chapstick.'

"if you must keep biting your lips in this cold weather, at least use chapstick. cracked lips are so unattractive." the blond's breath fanned against harry's face, fogging up his circular glasses as he twisted off the white cap and began applying the item to his lips.

he tried not to think about how that same item had touched draco's lips how many times, he'd never know. after he smacked his lips, testing the waxy feeling of the chapstick, he handed the tube back to the blond, who set it in his pocket and breathed out again. his breath was warm, and it made harry blush. the tips of his ears turned pink, though the hue wasn't that noticeable against his darker skin.

"thank you," he muttered, gesturing to draco's pocket. the blond nodded, still standing close to him. the alley was small, and harry decided to blame their proximity on that, because there was no way draco was going to try and kiss him before he even knew if men were what he actually liked.

"of course. you really should buy some of it, though. they've got it in more flavors than just mint. i think you'd like cherry." the blond explained, and the moment was gone. he pulled them out of the alley, and they began making their way towards the three broomsticks.

"i never thought i'd see the day where you advocate a muggle product, malfoy." the green-eyed boy teased, and draco shoved him playfully. he took his hand again, and the joking mood in which harry found himself accustomed to was once again covered by surprise. as cliché as it sounded, he felt fire between their fingertips every time their hands interlocked.

part of him never wanted to let go.

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