Chapter 6

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New Friend, New Companion


Derma's POV

I went to the Dorm Building after getting to know what dorm number I'm in, which is 610, meaning on the 4th floor.

Ughh, this first year is gonna be hard. By the way, I'm Derma William, 19 years old, a transferee and in first year of College. Even, I'm 2 weeks late.

I got bullied at highschool because of me being gay and nerd. Hey! It's now 2018! Who cares?! Well, the assholes cares. That's why I became depressed and always cut my wrist.

Anyway, I adjusted my long red sleeved shirt I'm wearing to cover my cuts and held on my bags tight as I reached my new dorm room after using the elevator.

The door is suprisngly unlocked, I opened the aforementioned furniture seeing a girl who's wearing blue colored glasses, and long black hair on a ponytail with sky blue streaks; same color as her eyes. She's wearing a sky blue hoodie and black pants with light blue converse, and a cresent moon necklace around her pale neck to fit her appearance. I went inside and closed the door then dropped my things on the vacant bed on the right side of the room, since she already took the left. She watched my every move and smiled slightly to which I returned the gesture.

"Soo~ you're my new roommate?" The girl who looked older than me, maybe around 20 said as she sat next to me on my new bed. I nodded slowly and mumbled. "I guess so,"

"I'm Urza Silver, 21 years old, third year of College. We're both late for College. You're a transferee, right?" She introduced herself and assumed receiving a nod from me. "I'm Derma Williams, 19, first year."

She nodded as we shook hands and I suddenly asked a random question. "Do you have any friends here?"

She narrows her eyes at me and nodded hesitantly before shaking her head. "Not anymore, they transferred to another school last year."

I patted her back and said. "Um, not kind of a social person but, you can be my friend,"

She beamed and smiled. "Same! I don't like talking to people, since you're my roommate, we can be friends!"

I chuckled at Urza's beaming and enthusiastic expression as we fist bumbed. Well, at least I've got a new friend.

Urza's POV

I like this kid, he's like me, not socialy stuff. Wonder he's depressed.

"Um, can I ask if you have depression? Sorry, my curiosity always get the best of me," I asked/said as Derma sighed and nodded. I hugged him tight as he hugged back.

Yes, we only met today and stuff, but I'm depressed too because of this school, and faced child abuse when I was 9.

"Yeah, how 'bout you? We can share and keep things before College starts," the dark-brown haired said as I nodded and explained my Life Story.

"Well, when I was 9, I faced child abuse by my parents, they always beat me up. They are on drugs, that's why. Then their friends started to show up and got into drugs as well. So, my beating increases, I had no sister nor brother, so no one can help me.

One night, around 2 AM, I was already asleep and my parents barged in my room, drunk. They had a long knife with them as they cut a long scar in my arm." I rolled up my sky blue hoodie almost to my shoulder revealing a long scar. His eyes widened and traced the scar gently in my pale arm with his pale hands.

"They are so mean," he muttered angrily as I rolled my sleeve down and continued. "That's not all, it's like they're trying to murder me, until one of my neighbors called the police when they heard my scream, then the police locked my parents up.

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