Chapter 8

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Not This Again!


Bill's POV

I panted and looked around the forest where Pinetree said he and Shooting Star should be.

He's not everywhere! I screamed in my head. Well, he didn't came back at the dorm last night. So, I thought he's with his sister or whatever. But he maybe not!

"Bill wait!" Urza yelled from behind, catching up with me along with Derma who looks like he's gonna past out. The black haired with blue streaks looked at me while catching her breathe.

"We've been running for three hourse straight!"

"I don't care! I had to find Pinetree!" I yelled back, starting to run again hearing groans behind me. I stopped in a clearing and immediately run towards it. I saw Pinetree's cap, there, lying on the floor. I instantly grabbed it and held it close, smelling Pjnetree's scent although, he's not entirely here with me. I can also see a few footprints, signaling that someone took my Pinetree.

"Not this again!"

I took another dash back to school, Derma and Urza hot on my heels.

"Do you think it might be Jessica again?" Derma asks as we reached me and Pinetree's door. I pondered at the question.

Well, it might be, again. I sighed feeling my thoughts are probably right.

"Well, yeah, maybe." I sighed as I run my hand through my blond sweaty hair. I rubbed my red puffy eyes from crying last night. I'm just worried for my beloved. I don't want him to get hurt BY THAT B***CH!!!! I gripped the hat tight and felt my tears threating to fall, and they succeeded. I sat on the dorm's floor, crying and sobbing while clutching to my lover's hat.

"Oh, P-Pinetree. Where a-are you?" I sobbed, Derma and Urza hugged and comforted me. But, Pinetree only comforts me.

"Hey, how about let's go to Mabel to see if she knows where your love went," Urza suggested. I narrow my eyes at her, puzzled.

"But, sh-she's with him....?"

It looks like it came out as a question, but to the truth, it's a confused and unsure statement.

"Well, maybe, they're at Mabel's dorm," Derma pointed out.

But, Pinetree should've stop be here first. I wanted to reason it but sighed and went on it anyways. They gave me encouraged smiles making me smile just a bit. We went out of the current dorm we're in and to Shooting Star's dorm.

I knocked immediately when we got there.

No response


I banged at the door and looked at the two with me.

"Shooting Star! Can you open the door?"

Still No Response

Silence took over our surroundings besides the banging sound coming from me.

I growled and looked around the hallway finding a fire extuingisher. I took and carried it towards the door.

I broke the door knob and dropped the heavy thing to the floor making a loud metal thumping sound that echoed around the hallway.

I kicked the door open, but it won't budge.

I groaned again and aim towards it. I crashed myself on the door feeling it moved by 5 inches.

I rubbed my shoulder which I used for the impact. I peeked into the small space I made and saw what's blocking the door.

It's a freaking BED.

I screamed in anger.


I aimed for the door again, but this time, Urza and Derma helped me. We moved the bed on about two feet, so we can just squeeze ourselves through it.

I was first to squeeze through as Urza came next then Derma.

We pushed the bed aside and looked around the dorm.

It's a mess

We jusmped when we heard the bathroom door bang.

"What was that?" The dark brown haired asks as Urza went for the door's knob, jiggling it.

"It's locked."

"Well, let's try kicking it again open." I went towards the door and kicked it again, and to my suprise it fell down to the ground hearing small eylp from the inside.

The three of us stepped over the door seeing a tied up Mabel and Pacifica. The two girls squirmed and struggled.

The three adults gasped and immediately went to them; untying the poor girls.

"What happened?! Who did this?!" Bill yelled as they helped the two to the Living Room couch. The girl blond and brunette are sweating, tear stains are completely visible to their rosy cheeks.

"J-Jessica." Mabel panted as she lied down on the couch, either tired and wanted to sleep.

Hearing that name, Bill growled angrily and looked to his right to punch the nearest wall.

"I'm going to kill that bitch!"

"Can you explain it to us?" Derma asks as he sat down next to Pacifica. Mabel is already passed out as the girl blond explained. "Well, I heard talking in here when I was in the kitchen so I took a look of it and saw Jessica and Tad,"

"Stupid, stupid!" The blond boy yelled in anger, tears fell down on his golden eyes which is full of sadness and anger. Sadness because of losing his Pinetree, again. Anger because of the certain asshole cousin and his cousin's bitch ass girlfriend.

"And then they tied us up, but Jessica took Mabel's phone." Pacifica finsihed as Urza gave her a water bottle. "Thanks."

The black haired girl smiled and nodded. Derma looked at them back forth, then at Bill whovs now sobbing.

"Where's the phone then?"

Pacifica looked around the Living Room and spotted the said item; pointing at it.


While Urza helped Bill to stand up and to sit him on the couch, Derma took the phone and looked through the recent messages.

"The forest," The brunet said, showing the phone to the 21 year old who nodded in agreement.

"Are you guys gonna be okay here?" Urza asked Pacifica who nodded and took care of sleeping Mabel.

"Pinetree, I'm so sorry," Bill sobbed rubbing himself back and forth.

"Bill? Stop crying and start fighting for your Pinetree! This is not the Bill I knew! Bill Cipher is confident and smart! He would fight for everything!" Urza reasoned the blond who just stopped crying a couple of minutes ago.

"I agree with that!" Pacifica yelled from the other room.

"Yeah!" Derma exclaimed, making Bill to look up at him. "Get your ass out of here and find Dipper! No matter what!"

Bill smiled, wiping his tears.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"That's our Bill!" Urza helped the blond up, looking at Derma.

"Derma call the police, we're finding Bill's Pinetree, again."


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