Snowflake (Thirteen/Rose)

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The first snowflake hit the tip of her new nose, and the cold of it confused her senses. They were still adjusting to her new body, and her body temperature was too high for a Time Lady. She was reacting like a human, an ordinary human, when she was an extraordinary alien. But, once again, she just came out of another regeneration and her senses needed some time to come back to normal. She also needed time to get used to her female body after more than a thousand years in a male body. Her fashion sense was terrible, and if she had had a lot of different relationships with women before, she wasn't used to have woman's curves. She had spent some time in the bathroom, observing her body, tracing it, weighing the pros and cons of it. However, whether she liked it or not, she was stuck with that appearance until her next regeneration.

Another snowflake hit the warm skin of her cheek. Everything felt so new, and it was as confusing as ever. She raised a pale long and fine hand and reached for her face. She caught the small snowflake and made it roll between her thumb and forefinger. It had already melt. It was nothing more than a simple molecule of water. Some things could change so quickly. It was the reason why she was always running. There was always something new to see. Humans said that curiosity killed the cat but curiosity was what made her keep going on. There were unsolved mysteries waiting for her, unbelievable miracles to be a witness of. She had seen a lot through her lives but not with those eyes; not with that body, and with her new gender, she could have a brand new perspective on things she had seen and done as a man.

The snow was falling slowly, the snowflakes bigger than before. They were covering her shoulders and clutching at her blonde hair, but she wasn't so cold anymore. Her body was adjusting its temperature. The after effects of the regeneration were softer than they used to be. She was still in that vulnerable condition that was making her an easy target but she couldn't get tired of the feeling that everything was new again to her. Something other species couldn't get. The feeling to be able to rediscover things as if it was the first time. The feeling of starting everything again.

"It reminds me of the first time you've regenerated before me," said a velvety voice behind her.

"A pretty long time ago."

She too remembered the day she had fought the whole Dalek's fleet to save a simple human instead of running away like her instinct was telling her to at that moment. Nevertheless, her feelings had told her otherwise and she had followed her heard instead of her reason. And she was right.

"I've missed that Northern accent."

She did too, to be honest. Her Northern self wascompletely destroyed, on the edge of giving up and waiting for death, but shehad been lucky enough to save the life of a blonde girl that had changed herwhole life, and put the pieces of her self back together again and again. Everytime they were losing each other, the fate was putting them back together. Shewas to never forget the day Rose Tyler crossed the void to come back to her.Now, they were as inseparable as their intertwined fingers. They just needed tofind a way to stop the ageing of Rose before the end of her life and everythingwould be perfect... 

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