Snowball fight (Eleven/Rose)

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'They really are kids,' thought Jackie to herself.

She was watching the Doctor and Rose playing outside as if they were eight years old kids when they were grown-up adults. Jackie wasn't sure about the Doctor. His latest regeneration was surprising to say the least. When Rose had called her to let her know that the Doctor had changed once again, she had expected to see another pretty boy, proud and sarcastic, but when she had seen him... Oh, a pretty boy indeed. An unexpected toddler stuck in an adult body too. She had immediately missed the precedent Doctor. She didn't know what to think about him yet. She would need some time. Like the two others. But that one? Too bright, too energetic to be honest.

They had come over for Christmas. It wasn't what the Doctor had planned but whatever the incarnation, he always satisfied all of Rose's desires. Christmas was a family tradition, and so Rose was coming back to the Powell Estates with her beloved Doctor to celebrate it the Tyler's way, even if he didn't like it. That year, it was just the three of them. Mickey had stayed with his girlfriend who was expected their first child and since Rose was traveling with the Doctor, she didn't have many friends left on Earth. Just the three of them was alright though. It was a nice evening.

They were about to eat the dessert when the Doctor noticed that it was snowing. He had run to the window right away and when he had seen it was true, he had rushed outside, followed by Rose. Jackie had sighed and cleared the table for the dessert. They shouldn't be long. Rose would be cold quickly and she would have to come back home to get warm. She just hadn't thought that Rose would find warm clothes in the TARDIS. The Doctor might look like a big kid but he was very attentive to his girl's needs and wouldn't let her be cold. That was one of his qualities.

That was when Jackie heard the laughs that she understood they wouldn't be back soon. She glanced through the window to see them building a snowman and throwing snow at each other. Just like kids. She sighed and decided to go outside too. She got ready to face the cold weather and went downstairs. She found the snowman, but didn't find her daughter and the stupid alien. She didn't hear them either. Where the hell had they gone? Jackie started walking toward the TARDIS. The blue box was there, but before she reached it, something hit her back and someone laughed. She turned around but didn't see anyone.

"You think it's funny? Come out if you're a man, Doctor!"

"And have you slapping me? Never!"

"Grow a pair!"

"Fight me!"

Another snowball hit her on the side. That time, Jackie made her own snowball and threw it in the direction the precedent snowballs had come from. She avoided the third one. They wanted to play, she was gonna play with them. She pretended to go back home but hid instead. And she waited. After a few minutes, the Doctor and Rose came out of their hidden place, laughing, and when they expected it the least, Jackie threw them snowballs.


"You thought I'd be gone without a revenge? You don't know me well enough, Doctor!"

"Thinking about what I'm thinking?" the Doctor asked Rose.

"Snowball fight!"

As soon as the word was given, the fightstarted. Screams of surprise and joy along with laughs filled the air of theEstates as they threw snowballs at each other until late in the night. They gotyelled at some times but they didn't care as long as they had fun... 

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