Part 2

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You knocked on the princess door , it's 6am in the morning and you're suppose to accompany the princess , for her morning workout .

" Come in . " You heard the princess said .

You went in her room , and bowed to her .

" Your highness . " You said .

" Why are you in your tuxedo ? " Tzuyu asked .

You kept quiet .

" Go change , you should workout with me . " Tzuyu ordered .

" Yes , your highness . " You bowed and left the room . You ran to your room and quickly changed to your sportswear; black singlet with long track pants . You put on your running shoes and ran to the princess room .

Tzuyu was waiting for you outside her room . She's wearing a pink sports bra and a super short sport pants . She put on a grey jacket but didn't fully zip it , exposing her pink sports bra . You looked at her legs so that she didn't saw you checking her out . Her legs are pale and smooth ....

Gosh where should i even look you thought to yourself . Every part of the princess body is perfect and sexy . It makes a normal man goes insane for her .

" Let's go then , I'm hanging out with my friends this afternoon and i can't be late . " Tzuyu said

She gave you a bag . It's her belongings.

" Carry this for me . " She ordered . You took the bag and carried it behind your back .

Two of you walked to the park and jogged together . Tzuyu tied her hair into a ponytail . She caught many attention at the park . You were amazed by her stamina , she could run as long as you , both of you have been running for 30 minutes and she's not even panting yet .

You took out her water bottle and passed it to her , she took it and drank it . Then you passed her a towel . She took it and wiped her face .

" Aahhhh !!! " Tzuyu suddenly fell down . You quickly catches her . She was wiping her face with the towel while running and didn't noticed an apple on the ground . Luckily she wasn't hurt .

" Are you okay , your highness ? " You asked to make sure .

" Y-yes.. " Tzuyu said . She stood back up and swiped her clothes .

" We should head back now , it's time for your breakfast. " You said .

" Okay . " Tzuyu said and walked to the castle , you followed behind .

You sent her to her room , then quickly ran back to your room to shower and change .
( Being a bodyguard is not easy )

After you're done , you ran back to the princess room . You can hear her humming in the shower . You waited for her outside her room . After a few minutes , she walked out of her room . She glanced at you , then walked to the dining room , you followed behind .

Both of you entered the dining room , same like last night , the King is not present .

" He's busy again , isn't he ? " Tzuyu asked .

The Queen nodded and smiled .

" Your majesty . " You bowed .

" Ah , you must be ____ . I'm glad that we have such a skilled bodyguard in our kingdom . " the Queen said .

Tzuyu took a seat and start taking her breakfast . You step aside and watch them .

" Calling all bodyguards and knights. Please proceed to the King's throne . " The walkie-talkie sounded .

You excused yourself to the Queen and Princess , and then left the dining room .

" Your majesty . " You bowed to the King .

" We have bad news , ___ " the King said .

" What is it ? " You asked .

" We are getting a war soon . " the King said .

" With who ? " You asked again .

" King Stefan " the King replied .

You were shocked . The name haunts you . He was known as The King Of War , many countries were attacked by his army and many innocent lives were taken by him .

" Then we should prepare the army - "

" No . " the King said sternly .

You wait for the King to speak .

" Take Tzuyu far away , don't let her stay here , she shouldn't know about this , bring the Prince too , I'll fight them . "

" But your majesty... "


A loud explosion was heard and the castle was shaking .

" They are here ... " the King said .

You signaled the army , the army saluted to you and quickly rushed outside .

" Your majesty , let me fight with you . " You said .

The king stares at you , then nodded .

~~To be continue~~

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now