Part 13

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" So ? " You asked.

Evan checked on Tzuyu. Tzuyu is now breathing hard on bed , her face shows that she's in pain.

" It's a very strong but slow poison , I don't think I can create an antidote for it... " Evan mumbled.

" What..? " You are starting to panic.

" But there's one person who can save her , but with the time she had left , I don't think she can make it. " Evan stares at you.

" Who ? "

" The Goblin Priest. She lives on the mountain of Amazon across the Ice Land. " Evan said.

" Then I better get going , how much time do I have ? "

" 3 days. "


You rode your horse again , with Tzuyu behind your back.

" Hang in there , you'll get cured soon. "

You reached the Ice Land , it's freaking cold. You scanned your map , you need to go over a giant ice mountain to reach the Amazon.

Your horse became weak , you carried Tzuyu on your back and climbed the mountain yourself.

Every step is hurting your legs , you can feel your bones are freezing inside. Your sweat immediately became ice drops before it reached your cheek. Snow storm rushing to your face , you can't see anything.

" ___... " Tzuyu called your name weakly.

" What is it ? " You asked.

" .... " Tzuyu didn't respond.

" We will get there soon , okay ? "

" .... "

You gritted your teeth and walked faster. Your lungs are freezing , making you hard to breath.

You accidentally stepped on a slippery rock and fell down.

" Owh... " You grunted.

You checked on Tzuyu , making sure enough blankets are keeping her warm. You tied her behind you and start walking again.

The storm stopped , you can see clearly again. The peak is near.

You reached the peak , there's a small cave in it , you carried Tzuyu inside.

You found some branches beside the cave , you collected it and make a fire.

You heard wolves howling. You grabbed your sword and turned , facing outside of the cave.

A pack of snow wolves surrounded outside the cave , staring at you and Tzuyu.

" Stand back. " You said.

" It's been a while since we have human meat as dinner. " One of the wolves said.

" Wait... you talk ? " Your eyes widened.

" Surprise eh ? We can talk. " Another wolves said.

" Look , she's sick , I need to get her to the Amazon. If any of you dare to attack , I'll make sure your blood are splattered all over the ground. " You said , holding your sword.

" You alone versus us ? Challenge accepted. " One of the wolves smirked. The wolves getting ready to attack.

" HOLD. " A loud howls echoed.

All the wolves backed off. A larger snow wolf walked out from behind wolves. There's a scar on it's left eye.

" Address yourself , human. " The scar wolf said.

" I'm ____ , from Tuwaise country , the princess is ill and I need to find the Goblin Priest. " You explained.

" Princess Tzuyu...? " The wolves became excited.

" Uhmm... yes ? "

The wolves walked in the cave , you stood back.

" Hey hey ... what do you guys want ? " You hold your sword facing them.

" We owed Princess Tzuyu our life , she's the one that saved us. " The scar wolf said.

The wolves surrounded Tzuyu , you looked at them.

" Your highness. " The scar wolf called softly.

" Xavier.... long time no see. " Tzuyu said weakly.

" Rest well , your highness. " Xavier said.

The wolves left.

You lied down beside Tzuyu, trying to sleep. Your body is freezing , you felt like dying.

You closed your eyes and felt warmth on your body.

Is this the end...? You thought.

" I love you.... Tzuyu.... " You whispered weakly.

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now