Part 8

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You watched as the female servants treat Tzuyu wound . She still looks weak since she came out from King Stefan dungeon .

" Is she okay ? " You asked .

" She's just a little unconscious, she'll wake up soon . " One of the servants smiled and said .

Another servant came .

" The Queen wished to see you . "

You nodded and left the room .

Your mind flashes the scene when Tzuyu tears fell down . You hate to see her suffer . You want to protect her with all your life .

I'm just her bodyguard. You thought .

You reached the Queen throne.

" Your majesty. " You bowed.

" At ease , young warrior. " The Queen said.

You straighten your back , looking at the Queen.

" The king said that you may return after a month. " The Queen said.

" A month ? Why ? " You asked.

" I believe that i'm not allowed to say it . All i can say is , you must help the princess became a princess before returning. " The Queen smiles.

Silence filled the room.

" What do you mean ...? " You asked.

" Princess Tzuyu need to rule the country as soon as you returned with her. " The Queen said.

You nodded.

" I understand , your majesty. " You bowed.

A servant ran towards you and the Queen.

" Your majesty , the princess ... she.. " the servant panted.


Tzuyu is shouting and screaming. None of the servants can calm her down.

You ran to the door of her room.

" Tzu-Your highness , are you okay ? " You asked.

Tzuyu stares at you. She's more at ease now.

You walked to her , she hugged you and started to cry.

" I... I'm scared... He... hits me... " Tzuyu cried on your shoulder.

You pat her back. The servants bowed and left the room.

" Don't worry , he won't bother us anymore. " You comfort her.

You fed her food and let her rest.

" Get some sleep , your highness. "

" Call me .. Tzuyu ... " She said softly and fell asleep.

You watched her sleep , even when she's sleeping , she's still pretty.

It's already late night , and you still can't sleep , you stayed in her room , guarding her.

A servant came.

" Would you like some cupcakes ? " The servant asked , smiling.

" No thanks , I lost my appetite. " You answered.

" Well too bad.. I'm in a very good... appetite.. " The servant voice is getting weird , it sounds very low for a female.

You turned to her , you're shocked by what you saw.

The servant has became a giant serpent !
( see what i did there )

You quickly reach for your sword but it was too late. The serpent strangled you with her body.

" Hisssss.... Yessssss.. a beautiful princesssss.... once i ate her... i'll become beautiful too.. hisssss " The serpent said.

Your whole body is trapped , you can't move your body except your head.

My head... You thought. You had an idea.

You tilted your head and bite the serpent body that's wrapping you. The serpent screamed and you escaped from her trap.

" Awww!!! You little.... hissssss " The serpent stares at you with its green eye.

You drew your swords.

" Have i ever told you how much i hate snakes ? " You said.

The serpent attacked. You dodged it.

You stabbed the serpent with your swords , but her skin is too thick to pierce through.

" Hahaha foolissssssssh human , do you think you can defeat... hissssssssss... ME ? " The serpent attacked again.

You jumped and sliced her head.

Her head fell off from her body , green liquid spilling everywhere.

" What happen here ?! " Elizabeth rushed in.

" A... giant...serpent.. " You panted.

" You are not supposed to sliced her head off !! " Elizabeth shouted.

The serpent grew out two heads , smiling. ( Don't ask me how snake smile , because i'm pretty sure she's smiling. )

" What should we do? " You asked.

" Let me handle this. " The Queen suddenly appeared at the door.

The Queen pointed her staff towards the serpent and start mumbling some magic words. A lightning strikes on the serpent.

" Myahhhhh !!! It hurtssssssss .... You !!! " The serpent attacked the Queen. But Elizabeth deflect it with her giant hammer.

You stabbed the serpent body. She hissed in pain. Elizabeth jumped and smashed her hammer against the serpent body.

The serpent collapsed and turned into dust.

" Where... the hell... did this... come from? " You panted.

" The princess must've drew their attention. " Elizabeth said.

" Who ? " You asked.

Elizabeth and the Queen stares at you.

" The monsters from Shadow Forest , they believe that if they captured and consumed a beautiful princess , they can become beautiful too. " Elizabeth said.

A loud explosion is heard outside the gate.

" Looks like they're here. " The Queen said.

To be continue...

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now