Part 16

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You and Tzuyu rested outside the woods , under the Ice Mountain.

" Are you okay ? Are you hurt ? " You checked on Tzuyu.

" I'm fine. " Tzuyu said. You can still hear Nian roaring in the distance.

" Let's go home. " You said.

You whistled and your horse ran to you. You carried Tzuyu onto the horse , then you climbed up. You kicked your horse and it started to run. Tzuyu hugged you tight behind you.


You reached the castle.

You and Tzuyu walked in.

You saw someone on the throne. A familiar face.

You quickly knelt.

" Your majesty. "

" Long time no see , ____ . "

" Mother...? " Tzuyu gasped.

The queen stood up from her throne , she became skinnier than before , her skin is pale and her eyes are swollen.

" Where have you been all these months ? " Tzuyu hugged her mother and asked.

" Our kingdom was attacked when ____ rushed out to find you. All our people are killed. I managed to escape and a young man saved me , he took good care of me in the woods. Meet Welson. " The queen signaled a man to come closer.

He's tall and muscular , handsome too. He looks like a huntsman.

" Your highness. " He bowed.

Tzuyu bowed back.

" Welson is an amazing guy , this is Tzuyu , my daughter. " The queen said.

" You're the most pretty princess i ever met , your highness. " Welson smiled.

" Thank you. " Tzuyu replied.

You're still kneeling down on the floor. Your heart felt weird , is it jealousy ? sadness ?

" Why don't you two have a chat at our garden ? Both of you can come back when dinner is ready. " The queen said.

" Sound good to me. " Welson smiled and stared at Tzuyu.

" But mum... I wanna rest. "

" You can rest after dinner , my dear. " The queen said.

Welson and Tzuyu walked to the garden. You stood up , following Tzuyu.

" ____. " The queen called.

" Yes , your majesty ? "

" You don't need to guard Tzuyu , she can have some time with her future husband. "

You froze.

with her future husband...

" Y-yes , your majesty. " You bowed and walked to your room.

Your heart aches. That's when you know , you felt in love with Tzuyu. You never had the chance to tell her , and now she's arranged for marriage with a new man.

You stood at the window , you can see Tzuyu and Welson talking at the garden. You sighed and removed your gear. You took a shower and rest on the bed.

If she's happy. I'm happy. You thought.

You fell asleep.


You woke up just at the right time for dinner. You wore a set of new gear , clean your swords and head to the dining room.

The queen , Tzuyu and Welson is already on the table. Tzuyu is telling her mother of her adventure with you. You quietly walked to the corner of the room.

" ... he fought a giant monster and saved me. Words can't describe how thankful am i. ____ saved my life twice. " Tzuyu said.

" Very fascinating story , my dear. " The queen said coldly. " Now , I hope you're prepared for your wedding. "

" Wedding ? " Tzuyu is confused.

" Yes , Welson will be your husband next month. "

" But mum... "

" Welson is a great man , my dear. You know that I only give you the best of the best. "

Welson smiled , handsomely.

" Mum... It's too early to talk about this. "

" I don't think so , the earlier the better. Am I right , Welson ? "

" Yes , your majesty. " Welson replied.

" .... " Tzuyu became quiet.

You closed your eyes and let out a deep breath.


It's already late night. You patrol around the kingdom. You saw Tzuyu sitting alone at the fountain outside the castle.

" Your highness ? " You walked to her.

" Oh... _____ . Please sit. " Tzuyu tapped on the ledge beside her.

You sat down beside her , both of you staring at the stars.

" So... you're getting married soon. " You said.

" I guess.. "

" Well... Welson isn't bad... "

" I'm not interested in him. "

" It's the queen arrangement. "

Tzuyu sighed.

Awkward silence.

" Will you still stay by my side ? " She asked.

You turned your head and looked at her.

" I'll always be ... your royal guard. " You said , trying to smile to hide your emotions.

" Thank you. " Tzuyu turned to you and said.

" You should head to bed now , the queen is going to kill both of us if she saw us here. " You stood up and said.

Tzuyu chuckled and stood up too.

" Alright then , Goodnight. My knight in silver armour. " Tzuyu bowed playfully.

" Goodnight to you too , my princess in pink dress. " You bowed back.

Both of you laughed.

Tzuyu waved and walked to her room.

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now