Part 4

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You reported to the king about the missing princess . You assembled a small team and head to King Stefan castle .

You need to cross through 2 countries , Radientz and Deszir , to reach King Stefan kingdom , which is in Zelkar country . Radientz is known as the Country of Gods , the people there are warm and cheerful , but don't get fooled by their nice attitude , their army are really strong . Deszir is known as the Country of Thunder , they might not be the nicest people in the world , but they cooperate well with negotiations. And lastly , Zelkar , the Country of Rage , don't need to explain much about them .

You reached the gates of Radientz. Two female valkyrie walks towards you .

" Oh my , its _____ . " a blonde valkyrie said .

" Long time no see , Elizabeth. " You smiled .

The Radientz and your kingdom fought together against Deszir once , it's no surprise that you are close to them .

" What brings you here ? " Elizabeth asked .

" We are here to seek information and also request for crossing . " You said .

" Very well , you may enter , the King's castle is on the hill . " Elizabeth smiled and signaled the guard to open the gate .

You thanked the valkyries and head to the castle . The village is full of music and laughter , you felt a something strong in here .

" Peace . " You mumbled softly . You imagined bringing Tzuyu here , watching her dancing to the music ....

Woah woah woah , excuse me , but she's a princess and you're her bodyguard not boyfriend. You scold yourself in your mind .

You reached the castle after a long walk .

" Your majesty . " You bowed .

" I'm surprised, it's Tuwaise country best knight , ______ . " the Queen of Radientz said .

" We are here to - "

" Seek information and request for crossing . " the Queen cut in .

" Yes , your majesty. " You bowed , smiling .

" What information you wish to know ? Young warrior . " the Queen asked .

" It's about King Stefan army , did they crossed here ? " You asked .

" Yes , they threatened us , i heard they were looking for a princess . " the Queen said .

" Did they passed by again ? " You asked .

" Yes they did , before you came . " the Queen answered .

" Did you saw them carrying a girl with dark hair ? " You asked .

" I did not notice , young warrior , my apologies. " the Queen smiled fadely .

" If you are looking for them , you must leave now , you might be able to catch up with them if you are fast enough . " the Queen said , you nodded in agreement.

" Thank you , your majesty. " You bowed .

" Take this , young warrior , as a small gift . " the Queen gave you a potion .

" What is it ? " You asked .

" We called it the Nectar of Gods, once you drink it , you will restore your energy and strength. I believe it's useful to you . " the Queen smiles .

" Thank you , your majesty. " You bowed again .

You continue your journey to Deszir , you checked on your army , making sure they are healthy.

" Be prepared , guys . Deszir army might attack us any second , so don't let your guard down . " You said to your troop .

You reached Deszir after a few miles . You were frozen by what you saw .

Dead bodies , destroyed houses , fire and ashes . This place looks like it been hit by a giant fireball . Clearly Deszir was attacked .

" Search for survivors " You ordered the troop .

Everyone spread out , looking for survivors .

You found a silver necklace on the ground , you picked it up .

Is this Tzuyu necklace? You thought to yourself . You heard a noise near you . You kept the necklace and drew out your sword , walking closer to the sound .

A dog jumped out behind the wall , it launches at you . You blocked its mouth with your sword . The dog bit on your sword , you felt lightning shock , you quickly pushed it away . It's not an ordinary dog , it's one of Deszir best weapon , Shocker. It's a two feet tall bulldog with lightning elements inside them .

You tear out a piece of cloth from your shirt , and wrapped it around the hilt of your sword . the Shocker start running towards you . You waited , and waited , and waited .


You slash right through its body as soon as it jumps . The Shocker was sliced into half .

" Very impressive , I never seen anyone killed a Shocker so easily . " A voice said .

You looked up , it's a middle-aged man , he's not holding any weapon but a staff .

" Who are you ? " You asked .

To be continue...

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now