Part 3

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You took your sword and rushed to the dining room . The royal family is not in there .

" Where's the princess ? " You asked one of the maid .

" She's in her room . " the maid replied , looking terrified .

" Are we being attacked ? " the maid asked , but you ignore her and run to the princess room .

" Your highness !!! " You knocked on the princess room door .

The door opened and you rushed in .

" Are you okay , your highness ? " You asked . You looked at the princess , and she's been crying .

" W-what happen ... " Tzuyu asked .

" Don't worry , just stay here okay ? Wait for me to come back . " You said , Tzuyu nodded .

You ran out of the room , and exit the castle .

The King and the army is forming a defensive line , protecting the castle . You walked up beside the King .

A huge army with black armour are marching towards you , with a red flag . You can feel your own heartbeat , beating rapidly .

" You may use it , ___ " the King whispered to you . You looked at the King , surprised by what he said .

" Thank you , your majesty. " You bowed .

You looked back at the army , in the middle there's a knight riding on a white horse , you recognised him .

" It's Jungkook , your majesty. " You said .

" Who ? " The King asked .

" The knight we gave mercy to , we let him escape on our last battle with King Jin . " You explained .

" Looks like he joined King Stefan . " the King said . You nodded .

Jungkook jump off from his horse , he walked closer to us .

" We are here , for the world most beautiful girl , Princess Tzuyu . " Jungkook smiled , as if we are his best friends .

" You may leave . " You said .

" I'm not leaving without the princess . " Jungkook said .

" Why do you need her ? " the King asked , his voice became really deep .

" King Stefan needs a new wife , in short . " Jungkook said , smirking . " ... also , a new toy for us to play - "

CHINNGGGGG your sword clashes with Jungkook's .

" Well well , quite a temper . " Jungkook smiled .

" The princess is not your toy , you and King Stefan can suck each other dick . " You said , pushing the sword . Jungkook pulls away , and walk a few steps back .

" Give me the princess and we will not cause any trouble . " Jungkook said .

" Over . My . Dead . Body . " You said .

" HYAAAAA !! " Jungkook swing his sword , you blocked it with yours and kicked him on his chest . He fall backwards and coughed .

" You should be grateful that we let you live . " You said .

" Hahaha , grateful ? It's your biggest mistake , dumbass . " Jungkook laughed while standing up .

" You're right , that's why i'm killing you now . " You said and run to him . Jungkook smirked and blocked your attack . You swing your sword left and right , left and right . Jungkook dodges and blocks , you only manage to leave a few scratches on his armour .

" I'm amazed , you got better . " Jungkook said .

" No , you got weaker . " You smiled and attacked him again .

You swing your sword hard , and it hits on Jungkook sword . The force hurts him . He's struggling to hold his sword tightly . You swing your sword again , and he blocked it .

You pulled out a second sword the second he blocked your attack , Jungkook was shocked , but he was too late , you grabbed your second sword and sliced his arm off . Blood spills everywhere .

" AAHHHH !! " Jungkook screams . His army panicked , wanted to attack you . You point your sword to them .

" If any of you wanted to lose an arm , be my guest . " You said . The black army backed off .

You looked at Jungkook , who's lying on the ground , suffering the pain .

" Any last words , Kookie ? " You asked .

" I'll ... see you ... in hell ... " Jungkook said .

You stabbed him right through his chest , he spat blood and died .

You pulled out your sword . The black army retreated .

You dismissed your army , and accompanied the King back to his throne , engineers already start fixing the hole on the castle .

" You did a great job , ____ " the King said .

" Thank you , your majesty. " You bowed .

After that , you quickly ran to the princess room .

" Your highness? I'm back . " You knocked on the princess door . But there's no reply .

You slowly pushed open her door .

Her room is a mess , her closet fell down and her makeup table is ruined , and the princess in no where to be seen .

" PRINCESS TZUYU ?? YOUR HIGHNESS ?? " You shouted .

The princess was kidnapped .

To be continue ...

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now