Part 6

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You stood up , gasping for air .

You wiped your sword full of blood .

The silence of the forest came back .

" I'm impressed. " Evan suddenly said .

" It was nothing . " You kept your sword . " We should get going now , there's no time to waste . " You said .

You lead the troops out of the forest , and reached Zelkar main gate . The gate is black and dark .

You smelled darkness .

The gate opened by itself .

" Welcome , my friends . " A familiar voice said .

You quickly drew out your sword , targeting him . All of your troops followed .

" Woah woah , calm down young warrior , there's no need for that . " He smiled .

" Give me back the princess . " You stared at him .

" Come come , I prepared tea for you . " King Stefan said .

" It's better if we follow his instructions now , who knows what he will do with our hostages . " Evan patted your shoulder . You kept your sword .


You reached King Stefan castle , soldiers were in line , guarding the castle .

" Your troop stays outside . " King Stefan said .

You nodded at your troops , you and Evan went in .

" Come sit , my friends . " King Stefan welcomed you and Evan on the seats in front his throne .

" I'm here to retrieve our princess , i hope you give full cooper- "

" Would you prefer Chrysanthemum Tea or Jasmine Tea ? " King Stefan cut you off .

You gritted your teeth .

" I prefer Chrysanthemum . " Evan said and sat down infront of King Stefan .

" Good choice , my friend . " King Stefan smiled and poured tea into two cups .

" How about you , young warrior ? " King Stefan looks at you .

Evan turned and looked at you , you can tell from his eyes that he is hoping that you cooperate with him .

" Jasmine . " You sighed .

" Very well . " King Stefan poured tea into the third cup .

" Now , you may speak . " King Stefan smiled .

" I came to negotiate, your majesty . " Evan smiled .

" Woo... I like negotiations, tell me more . " King Stefan clapped.

" I would like to set my wife and my kids free , in return , i'll give you some of my valuable potions . " Evan said .

King Stefan stared at him coldly .

" My friend , i don't release my prisoners. " King Stefan smiled . You can feel the air changing .

" I . Tortured . Them . " King Stefan laughed .

Evan is starting to panicked .

" What did you do to them ? " You asked .

" Hahahahahhaha , nothing much . " King Stefan laughed and drank some tea .

He put down his cup and stares at you .

" You . " King Stefan said . His smile has gone .

You raised an eyebrow.

" You killed my best knight . " King Stefan crushed his cup with his fist .

You casually sip on your tea .

" YOU . DESERVED . TO . DIE " King Stefan roared and flipped the table .

You pushed Evan so that he won't get hit by the table . Both of you fell back a few feet away from the throne . King Stefan stood up , with his massive sword beside him . His sword is as big as his body , and it's made of gold . He carried his sword on his shoulder , smiling at you .

" Come , don't be shy , show me how good you are . " King Stefan smiled coldly .

You drew out your sword .

" Thought you never ask . " You smirked .

With all your energy , you rushed to him .

" HYAAAHH !! " You clashed your sword with his .

King Stefan kicked you , but you blocked it with your knee . You stepped back and pulled out your second sword .

" A dual-wielder ? this should be interesting. " King Stefan said .

He jumped , and swing his giant sword right onto your head . You quickly blocked it with both of your swords . He's heavy , his sword is heavy , you legs struggled to stay on the ground.

You jumped backwards .

King Stefan smashed his sword onto the floor , the floor shakes . You fell down , dropping your weapons .

" HAHAHAHA NOW YOU DIE ! " King Stefan laughed .

" Not today ! " Evan shouted , he threw a potion near King Stefan , it exploded next to his feet . White smoke filled the room .

" ______ , go save your princess !! I'll hold him off !! " You heard Evan shouted .

You grabbed your swords and ran to the nearest door .

You can hear King Stefan screaming and potion exploding.

~ To Be Continue ~

Princess In Training , Tzuyu (18+) Where stories live. Discover now