9. revenge....sweet revenge

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I was tapping my feet on the floor pure of anger

'You alright' i heard Alec

'Perfect' i said

'You're not' i heard jake

'What makes you think that' i said turning to look at him

'How did you learn to race like that' he said

'Answer my question' i said

'You're clearly pissed you can see it on your face' he said

Just then my phone started ringing and i pulled it out

BITCH, person who birthed me

Yeah its my mom


A bitch

I declined it and alec looked at me

'What' i said

'Nothing' he said and i realised the principle was just making us sit here and the bell went

'Well im off' i said

'Me too why the fuck was i even Called' jake said

'Probably because you beat someone up in the woods' Alec said


That's what lexi was talking about

I walked into the canteen since it was break and saw lexi


'Nothing' i said sitting down

'Oooo alecs watching ' she said

'I need revenge i dont give a fuck about alec' i said

'On who' Blade said sitting down with ace

'Fake barbie bitch' i said

'Tiffany hell yeah I'm in' Lexi said

'Great we need paint, and her address' i said

'I have paint and why her address' Lexi said

'I might vandalise her house no big deal and i wanna paint some things on her car' i said

'You'll get in trouble' ace said

'Listen you guys don't have to help' i said

'No I want to you 2 stay here' Lexi said

'We are coming then' Blade said and we walked out

'Paints in the art room' ace said and we ran to the room and i kicked open the door and grabbed all spray paint

'Where's her car' i said

'There's that pink porche' ace said

I shook the black spray paint and on her windshield and on her hood i wrote

'Right what's barbies name' i said

'Tiffany' lexi said


'She's gonna kill you' she said

'Not if i kill her first' i said jokingly and ace laughed and we started painting on the sides of her car

'Oh shit damn lexi' i said and laughed at what she wrote

Tiffany is a dumb skany little sket.
She fucked nearly the whole school including the teachers and is a fake and a complete wannabe of barbie

'Yes baby' Blade said

'Ok now we wait until she comes' i said and we threw the spray paints in the back off my car

'Let's raid this hoes locker' Lexi said

'Good idea' i said and we went to her locker

'How the fuck are we going to get the lock off' i said

'Easy' ace said and hit it with a look and we opened it to see the whole thing was pink

'Damn woman' i said and we looked through it

'This hoe has condoms' she said

'Let's tape it on her car' Blade said

'You do that there's tape in my car' i said and he walked off and i grabbed all her shit and threw it out the hall way

I'm surprised we haven't been caught yet

'We need to go I saw Tiffany upstairs' he said and

'WHAT THE FUCK' ......

Ahh sweet revenge.....

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