50. boss ass bitch

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'What' alec said and i laughed

'One second come on' i said snd i took him with me and i went on stage as jake was already there

As i got there the girl was about to crown me

'No thank you, everyone you choose us to be king and Queen. But my only king is alec so give this queen crown to some bimbo you know who I'm talking about' i said and took the Crown and i threw it at Tiffany

'Go beg for him bitch' i said and everyone started clapping and i got off stage and went to alec

'Fuck prom let's go home' i yelled and the others came

'That was funny' edward said smiling

'HOLY SHIT HE SMILES' i said and he laughed

'And he laughs' i said getting into alecs car

'You good' i asked

'Yeah im just thinking about what you did inside' he said

'Whats there to think about. I'm a queen but they matched me with the wrong king' i said and he laughed and pulled up home

'Now a walk' he said and we got our and walked down into the woods


'RACE YOU' I yelled and ran off

'NOT FAIR' he yelled back and came running after me

Dude this guy is fast as fuck

We got into the hosue and i was in alecs room on his sofa

'Come here' he said opening his arms

'You come here' and he came over and pinned me to the sofa and hugged me

I flipped us over and hugged him again

'You smell nice' he said sniffing me again

'What the fuck' i said and he laughed

'Seriously' he said examining my face and he brushed his hand over my cheek

'What' i said

'You've stopped ageing' he said sighing

'It's alright' i said and i kissed his cheek and he pulled me over to sit on his lap and i smiled

'Your so fucking precious when you smile' he said

'And no one's here' i said

'Hmm' he said

'Thinking what I'm thinking' i said

'LET'S BUILD A FORT' We yelled......

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