24. conversations

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I turned around to see jake and a few of his mates

'What' i said

'Aren't you supposed to be in school' one of Jakes friends said

'No shit grandad' i said

'I'm not old' he said

'So that's why you have those grey hairs on your head' i said and jake laughed

'What are you doing' jake said

'Leaving' i sad walking away with my bat

'Hey that's my bat where did you find that' grandad said

'Back of the school' i said throwing it at him and walking off

'Hey stop' i heard

'I'm Diego' he said

'Grandad deigo got it' i said

'I'm cameron that's Taylor and alex' jake said

'I didnt ask' i said walking off and heading down until i heard footsteps and i heard voices

'Alec where are you going' i heard

Oh wow everyone's here

What is this some fucking party in the woods

I kept walking until i stopped at a huge house

In the woods

Ok fuck no

Just then i heard more noises and i jumped behind the tree and saw Alexs friends going into the house

What the heck

Just then it started raining and i moved away from the tree and i saw a huge tunnel tube and i crawled inside and sat down and heard more footsteps

'Hey wanna get outta there' it was jake

'Where the fuck did you come from' i said

'Come on' he said and it wasn't as bad as heavy rain and we started walking

'Well bye' i said running back to the school and when i got to the fence i grabbed it and jumped over it to see Jakes mates

'Hey' they said

'Adios' i said walking away and into my car driving off making sure no one saw me

Alecs pov

That new girl


There's something about her

I mean yes I'm a vampire

And vampires can read other people's minds

But i cant read hers

It's like somethings blocking it and I need to get in

It's bothering me so much I'm thirsty

For blood.....

Bad Boy Wolf Or Bad Boy Vampire Where stories live. Discover now