What do you think of when you hear the name of 17 year old Allison walker.
- The devil itself
- Nothing but a trouble maker
- And the baddest bitch ever
When kicked out of her 18th school her parents move her all the way to Florida
Being moved w...
'You lot where are you' i said and justin came up to me
'We thought you were at the hosue' he said
'You shouldn't leave me anyway it's time for graduation we spent the night in the woods where did you go anyway' i said
'A wolf came to our territory we ripped it to shreds' he said
'Who was it' i said
'Jake' he said
As we got to the house i kept thinking about what he said
I feel like he deserved it
He almost killed me
So death got to him before it got to me
I took a shower and put on my dress along with new undergarments aswell
'The graduation is in the hall thank god' violet said
'I know how are we gonna get there' i said
'Shade' she said and she put make up on me and i straightened my hair and slipped on some purple heels and a small bag with my phone, gum and some bottles of blood
I know a bit weird but leave me alone
We headed downstairs and alex ran up to me
'Let's go now' he said and just then
'Wait, good bye' marisa said and hugged alec and kissed him
'Take good care of yourselves' she said
'Mom we've graduated 67 times from school and you do this everytime' he said
'68 now baby boy' she said and i hugged her and leo opened the door
'On 3 run into the car' Edward said but before he even said 1 i was already in the car and alec was beside me
'Come on its not even that long of a walk' i said and they got in the car
'You lot are slow' i said
'No your alecs girl. Which means soon to be his wife. Which means that he's the alpha vampire and your the Penngaonan' Edward said
'I know I'm peng' i said
'And you lot are monsters. Aka siblings' Alec said
'Monsters are called siblings' i said and the nodded and i laughed
'Monster siblings' i said and leo pulled up at school and we ran into the hall making sure no one saw us and saw the ceremony already started
'Tiffany beach' and she got up kissing the crowd and done a long ass speech
'GET ON WITH IT MOVE' justin yelled and everyone laughed and she stormed down into her seat
'Alec Collins' everyone clapped and i just realised how my papi chulo looks fine in that tux
Its getting hot in here
Alec took the diploma and walked back down
'I mean I would too if i had to graduate 68 times' i said
'Ace clay' and ace got up and lexi smiled at me and winked
Ace got his diploma and then
'Edward Collins' he got up and done the exact same as alec
'Justin Collins'
'Leo Collins'
Collin gang
And then the next name surprised me
'Allison Collins' my eyes looked at the stage and alec smiled as everyone whsipered
'Well special announcement you guys. Allison here is engaged' the head said and alec smirked
Why do it in front of the school
'3 cheers for the couple come on up alec' and then alecs smirk faded and he got up pissed a bit
'Karmas a bitch' i said and he smiled
Guess not
Everyone cheered and we sat back down
'Let's go' i said and them lot actually ran like humans
'How do you lot run like that I can't run like human' i said
'Don't let your legs speed up' leo said
'Oh well now. No school now so where too' i said
'You lot go home i have a surprise for my finance' he said and took me on a walk
'close your eyes' he said and when he told me to open them
'Whose house is this' i said
'Ours after marriage' he said
'Really' i said and he nodded and kissed my head
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'How did we get in the woods' i said
'We ran' he said
'I ran in heels and didn't even notice i could have died' i said