45. hurt

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I turned around and saw justin coming at me and he grabbed me and pulled me down and a wolf jumped over us

'WHAT THE FUCK' the girl jake was kissing yelled and ran off

'Hey hey boy calm down alex calm' jake said and i saw he had a cut on his paw

'Hey' i said and pulled up his paw lightly and saw it was bleeding

'He can't change if he's bleeding' jake said

'Then I'll do first aid on him' i said and looked at alex

'Alex alex hey boy come on' i said and pointed into my apartment and he got into there and jumped on my sofa

'No on the floor' jake yelled

'It's alright the blood will come off' i said bringing a first aid kit and i cleaned the blood off and wrapped up the wound

'Your gonna have to turn around for this' jake said and i turned around and heard groans

'Here wear these' jake said

'You can turn around' he said and i saw jake shirtless and alex in a shirt and shorts

'Why are you shirtless' i said

'When wolves change they don't come back fully clothe they come naked' he said

'Then where did he get shorts from' i said

'Do you need to know' he said

'Never mind you alright  i asked asking alex and he nodded

'What happend ' jake asked

'I sprained my ankle while i was out hunting' he said

'No you didn't' jake said his Red alpha eyes appearing

'What happend' he said

'You were gonna go after her weren't you'  jakesaid

'I love her' alex said

'I TOLD YOU. SHE RAN AWAY' jake yelled

'Because you made her. Just because you haven't fell in love doesn't mean none of us can either' he said

'Wait so he was running after a girl and your shouting at him for that' i said

'Stay outta this' jake said pushing me and i lost my balance and i fell but just before I hit the ground i fell into someone's arms

And i looked up to see a very angry alec....

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