29. jake

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I walked out and just then i was grabbed by 2 people and had a cloth over my mouth and i pretended to fall unconscious and when the person pulled it off my mouth i punched him in the face and flipped myself down and hit the other one where the sun is shine and as he fell groaning i grabbed the person by the collar and pushed him up against the lockers

'Who the fuck are you' i yelled pulling off his mask

'Who the fuck are you' i yelled choking him and just then head a loud grunt behind me and i turned around to see jake beating some kid up

'Jake stop' i said but he kept going punching him repeatedly

'AYO WATCH OUT' i yelled and let go of the kid I was holding and grabbed the metal bar some man was going to hit jake with and I grabbed the bar and flipped him over but the boy i was holding ran off

The kid that tried to hit jake. I grabbed him and pinned him to the ground

'Who the fuck are you' i said

'Your parents, they paid us to kidnap you' he said and i felt tears threatening to fall out and i punched him in the face again so hard that he was knocked out

I let go of him as jake stood behind him and i ran off to my car and I couldn't take it anymore and I started crying

I just broke down

I heard my passenger car door open and someone hugged me

'Hey it's alright'  it was jake. He rubbed my back hugging me tight

I pulled back and he sat in my passenger seat and i rubbed my eyes

I never cry

But my so called parents have pushed me to the point where I might as well move houses and get my own apartment

'Allison' i heard and i looked at jake

'You alright' he said and i nodded and he skimmed his hand over my head and I flinched

'Sorry' he said

'What ever' i said pulling out my car keys and starting the car and driving off

'You ok' he asked and i nodded

'Where you driving too' he asked amend i shrugged my shoulders

'Go to the beach' he said and turned the navigation on to the beach 30 minutes away and when we got there no one was even there

'Come on' he said making me pull over and taking me up a cliff and when we got to the top he took off his shirt and put his phone on top of his shirt and took off his trainers and socks

'Throw away all your worries' he said and just then jumped off the cliff and i walked over to the edge


'WAIT. DON'T JUMP IF YOU CAN'T SWIM' he yelled and i laughed andand put my phone on his shirt and took off my trainers and my socks and then looked down


Seconds later i jumped off

'OH SHIT' i yelled out loud.....

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